robben joins bayern?

holy shit, just saw there are rumours that robben will join bayern TODAY.

thats a nice surprise indeed!

sry couldnt find english links.

new german source:

english link:

bild added it too

edit edit:

18 cet press conference announced. thats usualy not happening after CL Group drawing.

maybe its true.

everrything under this line is gay-talk
wat? cant be, would be so retarded..theyre in need of defenders, the offence is decent enough

------------van Bommel------------

would be a quite nice midfield tho
ribery will never play on the right side except maybe as RF
did @ euro or world cup, cant remember which one & played gr8 there
was a disaster and the french nationalcoach is an amateur ;)
not even an amateur*
sad thing when everybody knows and tells it, and he doesn't get fired.
robben would prefer to be more offensive rather than just a left midfielder

so probably a 4-2-3-1 would b the best option
would be an option..just prefer schweinsteiger playin instead of tymoshchuk
4-4-3 maybe



--------Tymo--van Bommel--


have to agree. signing robben means most likely to play 4-3-3 as they again did against berlin yesterday!
xD what a defence, not even euroleague worthy
nice defense xDDD
lahm is quite good i must say - never heard about the others though
lahm is the only german player who fits international standards.
true! i would sign him if i had a football club no matter what. he's gr8!
badstuber is a talent, pranjic.. dunno and van buyten is a living failure. hoping for demichelis comeback soon.
I dunno if demichelis is ever gonna come back... He was even worse than van buyten for a year now. Lucio sucked aswell, dunno why people overrate him that much.
think they'll buy an experienced defender next year if demichelis wont be able to perform like 2 years ago and put a talent on his side like badstuber/breno/niedermayer
they will never play with with 3 players in offence NEVER Oo...

its not like they already did that twice.
yes they did, but they will not do it in every bundesliga game :>
there would be no reason in testing it if they are not thinking about playing it in the bundesliga. if robben joins its very very likely.
ok if they would make it, it would be good for the offence, but the defence plsssss :D
Pranjic isnt a defender, as far as I know..he played as a left forward/midfield when he played in the Dutch league..same goes for his position in the national team..
thanks for info. he can play every position on the left side. since schweinsteiger is left midfielder he played defense. fact.
Just shows how retarded van Gaal is, he's a really good left forward, probably a better midfielder, but his crossings are pretty much useless as a defender and lets face it, his defending skills arent that good.
The reason he was bought were his skills as a wingman.
you obv have no clue. in our system the defenders are offensive and play most of the crossings. the actual left midfielders are more like central midfielders to make room for lahm/pranjic.
So you only play with 2 defenders? hence why you lost vs Mainz.
no use talking to someone that has absolutely no clue.
I have a clue, I just like pissing people off :)
demichelis und van holzen ist not gegen elend. bitte beides nicht. und wenn ribery weiter hinter den spitzen spielt wirds zu linkslastig.


Ribery-----------------------Robben (hatter genug oft gemacht bei real)

----------BomBom--Schweini (ich hassse ihn)




somit hätte man das problem bommel/tymo gelöst, da beide spielen könnten. meiner meinung nach braucht breno ein paar spiele von anfang an und er wird die gewünschte verstärkung. aber mir ist natürlich auch klar, dass man nicht mit einem 19 und einem 20-jährigen in die CL marschieren kann. darum heitinga holen. ist ja auch gerade neustes gerücht. ab der 60ten minute kommt dann olic für robben und dann ist nur noch headshot ;)

ps: die email von UNS bayern fans auf transfermarkt war ja wohl der hammer :D
wer bist du im transfermarkt forum? :D

jo das is wohl besser so mit aussenstürmern. heute 18 uhr pk angesagt, soll ja angeblich 2 spieler vorgestellt werden.

wenn nicht kommen nächstes jahr neuer und n abwehrchef.
hab mein profil gelöscht. jetz schau ich nur noch. hast du eins? wenn nicht, lass mal beide eins machen.

jo quaresma ist ja auch noch im gespräch, aber den find ich eher n00b
ne mr Q will ich gar nicht sehen bei bayern. der is übel gehyped aber sitzt bei inter nur auf der bank rum obwohl die n kreatives loch im mittelfeld haben.

heisse grinder2 im tm forum

sollen aber 2 spieler heute vorgestellt werden laut gerücht.
yup, und die wollten ihn an genua traden
genua-bayern? näää
weiss nicht, das einzige was ich mir vorstellen kann ist quaresma ausleihen mit kaufoption. aber was wollen wir mit den ganzen spielern. das werden viel zu viele. wir müssen erstmal lell loswerden jetzt, vielleicht noch ottl und sosa verleihen. toni verkaufen wär auch nicht übel, aber wird wohl nichts mehr
sneijder wäre perfekt gewesen. aber wem sag ich das. die transferpolitik wird immer wie schlimmer =)
ich erinner mich noch an:

van nistelrooy -> kurz vorm transfer zu bayern, sogar schon auf der bayern hp gepostet, dann doch nicht. peinlich

gattuso -> man wollte ihn, er wollte uns. nix geschah und ein plan-b hats natürlich nicht gegeben

flamini -> auch wieder so ein mann den man wollte aber nie eine b-lösung parat hatte

bosingwa -> den oder niemanden. gute aussage wenn man lell in der hinterhand hat, h3h3

neuer -> genau gleiches spiel. die einzig positive möglichkeit wäre, dass man einen vorvertrag für nächstes jahr haben. lassen wir uns überraschen

und zu sneijder. van qual BRAUCHT einen spielmacher. jetz wäre sein landsmann für 15 millen zu haben gewesen, niemand scherts.
naja, snejder wollte ja nichtmal zu inter. ist zwar jetzt doch durch aber das wäre mit bayern wohl nicht möglich gewesen.
bin gifty, obviouzly
hatte ich noch nie gesehn bis jetzt :P
ich fang gerade an zu schreiben :) nach langer abstinenz als zuschauer

bin gerade im "rund ist der ball" thread
schreib ma was da
schweinsteiger playmaker hahahahaha. you know that he only makes safety-play?
halt die klappe alte schlampe
Why would Robben take such a nose dive in his career :(
He's doing that since he left PSV.
fc bayern or benchwarming.. mhhh. think the worldcup plays an important role.
Losing to Mainz or Bench Warming... :P
hope that was the last embarrasing game this year, if not we will play in 2nd league next year :D
never say anything against mainz, best team in the world!!!^^

no but still good becuz of many injuries, even it was luck against bayern!!!
this would be quite decent but they rather need a better defence, though.

and of course a real goalkeeper.
neuer next year
still they should have done this earlier. they need a goalkeeper right now or else ... well, at least no championship this year - again! :~D
never! he would loose any reputation. He already told in public that this scenario will never happen!
would be kind of a hard season in schalke if he didnt ;)

meeing hoeneß several times makes me feel different.
and Ribery To Real Next Year
hoeneß fucked it up.. they would have robben + sneijder & 30 million bucks for ribery! next year he'll leave for peanuts..
You know me I know you.
the offer was sneijder OR vdv
no, simply no. there was no offer at all! rumours said that robben + sneijder & 30m for ribery, tho hoeneß said that they don't even need to ask for ribery without investing at least 100 million bucks.. and this is utopistic!

get your facts straight and give some sources instead of talking bullshit without any proof!
real wanted to trade one of the 2 players+30millions, nah believe anything your read in the Germany bild
image: picard-facepalm

why would they want to give just one away if they now want to get rid of both? they absolutely wanted ribery, therefore they would gave robben + sneijder away to get the hunchback of notre dame!

EDIT: sneijder already signed in italy!
u said 30 million bucks , bucks = dollar, dollar< euro
it's a synonym for money as well!
source: "tz"

haha. They already announced couple of weeks ago that the trade of robben & snijder -> ribery was fix

same about hleb goin to bayern
bosingwa too

they're worst crap of yellow press we have in germany.

ofc I'd still like to see him in munich, great player idd
there must be some truth in it because picked it up too. and they are not referring to tz
QuoteWie die Tageszeitung tz berichtet, seien die Münchner Bosse in ihren Bemühungen sogar schon weit vorangekommen. Der Transfer soll kurz vor dem Abschluss stehen.
oh, was just added. wasnt there 20 minutes ago :(
damn i wanted real to get stuck with all their players so they will taste their own stupidity
not sure.. he can also join manchester united
He wont join United, Robben turned down United to join Chelsea which Ferguson will never forgive him for
QuoteArjen Robben zegt zich op te maken voor de competitiestart in Spanje, maar als het aan Manchester United ligt komt de aanvaller dit seizoen niet meer in actie voor Real Madrid. De Engels landskampioen werd al eerder in verband gebracht met de dribbelaar en bereidt een ‘last-minute-bod’ voor. Manchester United wil zeventien miljoen euro uittrekken voor Robben en begint met een bod van 12,5 miljoen. (The Sun)

This si from and their source is The Sun.. It says Robben is ready to play for real madrid in the competition, but Manchester United wants to contract Robben for 17mln euro's....

So i think Ferguson isnt that mad anymore !

e: btw Ban Sqinn and Inseh for spamming pls ! :o useless journals
yes if it comes from The Sun it must be true ...
dont believe the sun ;p

Auffällig: Manager Hoeneß fehlte gestern beim Freundschaftsspiel gegen Union Berlin, obwohl dieser Termin eigentlich fest eingeplant war. Immerhin war es ein Test-Kick von Bayern-Sponsor Paulaner, für die Hoeneß selbst schon einen Werbespot machte. Aus dem Bayern-Umfeld hieß es, Hoeneß sei in dringenden Transfer-Angelegenheiten unterwegs.

Hoeneß was missing yesterday in the game against berlin which was organised by the beer sponsor paulaner.
lol! van Gaal won´t do it after the game against wolfsburg
this guy shows more and more that he is arrogant AND stupid

the story with his girls was already uber, but now he shows how low his trainer skills rly are...

how poor is it to look for an midfielder if u go to champions league with the uber defenders van Buyten and Badstuber?!?

finally this arrogant club gets what it deserves!!! thx Klinsmann & van Gaal!!!
as long as we won't suck like schalke for 20 years np :D
within the last 20 years schalke became bigger and more successfull than ever before
UEFA-cup in ´97 is more worth than a championship in the 50´s
Bayern is talkin bout how much Festgeld they have and anyone thinks they r rich. Schalke could do it like Real Madrid, they own a stadium + thaousands of km² in the middle of Gelsenkirchen, they "got" as much money as Real if they want to

afaik is a seaon like Bayern´s last season as horrible as 20 years for schalke without a championship :P

rofl... i love discussion about Bayern these days...#14!!!!!! Schalke? #3!!!!!!
Schalke is rich? ok...
Not saying they're poor, they own this stadium ofc (which you wouldn't get much money for if u were trying to sell it, who would buy it?)...

Why exactly do people hate bayern? pure jealousy.
pure jealousy...but more Hoeneß
hmm, who would buy the most comfortable arena in Europe...and who could need some km² in Europe´s biggest industry centre...only Russians imo xD
to be rich has nothin to do wih money u got at the bang ;)
hoeneß jealous? :P

I'm not saying schalke is a bad club, they've just been in their own way too many times with many wrong decisions etc about coaches, players and what not...

actually Bundesliga needs a 2nd real "force" that stays on top for couple of years, we're missing that for decades now.

But you should also think about how Bundesliga would look without bayern...
without bayern? maybe more competition like in england where 5 teams fight bout the championship ;)
hoeneß isn´t jealous...i said everyone hates Bayern cause of jealousy or Hoeneß - he is the most arrogant person in german football

did u know where they produce the saussages which u can buy @Allianz-Arena?
People would also hate bayern if another guy was manager.
actually there are/will be several teams fighting bout the championship this year imo
just give van Gaal the time. he always starts slow but in the end he always makes his team the league winner + other prizes
dunno if he gets the time there...Bayern galready gave Klinsmann too much time last season
gets what "we" deserve ? :o
look at ours last years transfers pls..
we bought players over their value
and give away good player under their value..
acutally we make the bundesliga better..
and help our clubs to get much better..
even if this sucks a lot for us..
bayern is intrested in van der vaart also. Man utd offered 12,5 mil for robben, but i think robben will stay
Bayern can sign anyone they want.. That won't change the fact that they will still lose to clubs like Mainz..
he can do better than bayern, come on
Bayern this season = fail, blame van Gaal, fucking cuntrag.

If Robben is smart, he's not going to Bayern, playing way below his level.
He needs to go back to the UK, so the tough defenders can get him injured again...hmm maybe follow Sneijder to Internationale?
Quotehe's not going to Bayern, playing way below his level.

Quotehmm maybe follow Sneijder to Internationale?

yea let's go to italy, best football league atm. HAHA! :D
Not the best...but like I said, the English defenders are too rough for him, he'll spend half the season being injured again.
Spain obviously doesnt want him, next best thing is Italy.
not anymore, serie A is going down.
Yes its going down, Eto'o, Ronaldinho, Motta, Quaresma, Sneijder, Lucio, Huntelaar, Thiago Silva, Pato, Oddo, Tiago, Diego, Iaquinta, Frey, Mutu, Vargas...those are just the ones I come up with, I probably missed a few but these arent quite bad players.
It's better than the Bundesliga or the Ligue 1, so what choices does he have?
Bundesliga has been more successful than Seria A 3 years in a row now and next year we will be in front of Seria A in the Uefa-5-year thingy again...

And most of the people you mentioned are only a shadow of the names they once had.
and yet, Italy has 4 teams in the CL and only 3 are from the Bundesliga..

and besides Ribery, Toni and maybe van Bommel, what really good players are there in the Bundesliga? Most of them cant even compete with the players I listed. (except for the 3 Bayern players listed before)
in 2011/2012 they will loose one spot to germany
Just have llok at Werder Bremen which competed 3x against Italian clubs last season successfully. The big years of Italy were in the 90´s, today any star prefers england
the premier league was a closed discussion, we all know that but for like Terry will demolish his legs lollll
Italy must have much better results than the german teams or Germany will be the 3rd league in Europe (base don european results) in 1 or 2 years. And even if they have better results it's not sure yet because in the last 3 years german teams were better.
hahaha "oddo" :D :D "quaresma" :D :D lucio is old, ronaldinho is nothing like he was at barca years ago.

I said seria a is going down, not that its already down. bundesliga is improving every year, serie a isnt.
Quaresma is still a great player, he just made some bad career moves, kinda like van der Vaart..true ronaldinho isnt nearly as good as he was with Barça but still an amazing player (same goes for Eto'o)
No he won't
he will stay at real madrid
nope, they wont sell robben
btw, war eben oft auch im fc basel forum aktiv, darum hast du wahrscheinlich nie was gesehen :D
bayern = fail
There's a German football league? When did that happen?!
next year it will be above italy in the 5-years-ladder :)
if italian teams fail this year than certainly :O
2nd best league in the world intermediate-term.
uh what? 2nd intermediate? Your 4th based on the last 5 years and 3rd based on the last 2 or 3 years but not 2nd.
*The Bundesliga will be the 2nd best league in the world in a not too distant future.
you didn't say that + that's just guesswork
He? I explained what I tried to say. That's why I used 'intermediate-term'. What else should it be, but guessing?
What's that supposed to mean?

Only the English, Spanish and Italian leagues have international notoriety worth talking about.
*The Bundesliga will be the 2nd best league in the world in a not too distant future.
How so? Outside Germany, nobody gives a shit about the league.
dobut robben will go to bayern
Thx for ZeRoberto

HF against Wolfsburg
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