
Anyone use/used a Eurovox box to receive their cable/digital TV signal?

Am trying to work out how the hell they work, i.e. do you need to pay a subscription to a TV provider already, or does it work out of the box etc but I can't find much info online :(

Let me know! in case you're interested :)
You need a live cable from a TV provider. I usually just get the lowest priced one.

You then hook up the cable from the TV provider into the Eurovox box, then to the TV and your away!

Ofc, you need the firmware which is available here. There's also loads of tutorials on that site :D

If you need anymore info, gimme a shout!
I have been using it for over 3 years now. I never got any problems with it and its just so awsome. BEst thing I have bought in my life, if you ask me.
u suck really hard
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