hähähäh xD

hähä fixing my new room, not finnished yet but eheheheheeh tosspot will come and we will drink 3 beers again and i will be drunk again hehehe

image: 15qce41

- pov from computer,
hähä perfect chill room with zeh friend with the new bar =)

i will eat some raw eggs now HEehEHEheh

im off to gym biibuy, gonna train my nigger azz only hähä
Why do you have a new room when you are moving to Serbia?
gta impress di girls
you can't live at more than one place, no?
Does he sell himself to afford it? :\
his secret is revealed, fuck ye!
I'd sell my self if anybody would have wanted me! Izi cash!
he a fucking chief
:D dont need to guess twice who made this journal.
gtfo richbitch homo
you look so gay and your room looks totaly gay, gtfo and get banned nerd
- is it comfortable to watch television while sitting in those seets?
- A bar in your room, is it from any use? do you host party's in your bedroom? or is it just part of macho gym image :D:D
- do you drink alcohol, since it increases your bodyfat!? you need to train your nigger azz way more if you drink alcohol....

you got a nice floor tho
alcohol is taking the water from your body :P
so i dont think u will get fat from it?
It increases apettite (especially beer) so I guess it can be uncomfortable for gym wankers who make so much hype about their body fat.
hm depends son how much you drink.. if its a bit then yes.. if u drink alot u wont be hungry the next day :P

but then still: alcohol itself takes the water out of your body
Yes it does dehydrate the body, that's obvious, but if you drink you tend to get hungry. You may not be hungry the next day if you drink a lot cause lowering the level of hunger is a natural defensive mechanism against poisoning(and getting drunk is treated as getting poisoned by your organism) so no hunger is kinda an element of hangover. But it's undeniable that alcohol itself (before you get hangover) raises hunger.
yup yup yup :P
u are worng...
i´m right wenn i say alcohol takes the water out of your body.. what makes u fat is "stärke" like in beer.. but not the alcohol itself.
well you are right but it is not my point. my point is that in alcoholic drinks there are a lot of calories which makes you fat!
alkohol hat sehr viele kalorieren!
Das wirkt sich aber nur aus wenn du regelmässig alkohol trinkst, da eine hohe menge alkohol sowieso nicht vom körper verarbeitet werden kann und ausgeschieden wird.
außerdem regt alkohol den appetit an was also in kombination zum normalen essen dazu führen könnte, dass man mehr und häufiger isst.
Vor allem bier hat zusätzlich noch weibliche sexualhormone drin, was dazu führt dass männer feminisieren und die typischen frauentittchen kriegen wie du sie bestimmt schon mal gesehen hast. Im extremfall können sie sogar milch prduzieren! kein scherz
Und wenn du schon auf Kraftsport hinaus willst. alkohol hemmt die bioproteinsythese, hat somit eine katabole wirkung!
Das bedeutet, wenn du regelmässig alkohol trinkst ist es normal wenn du an gewicht zunimmst! und wenn du nicht an gewicht zunimmst, so erhöht sich dein fettanteil höchstwahrscheinlich trotzdem weil deine muskeln abbauen und du wahrscheinlich dehydriert bist.
außerdem weißt du ja bestimmt sowieso dass du in einem dehydriertem zustand weniger kraft hast, deswegen sollte man auch viel trinken vor und während dem sport und deswegen nimmt man auch kreatin.
dehydriert war das wort das ich ie ganze zeit in english sagen wollte :(

alkohol regt appetit an jaja aber da wird man ja nur indirekt vom alkohol fett :P

das ganze bier bla liegt ja auch am bier aber kommt nicht vom puren alk?

das bier viele kalorien hatte wusste ich nicht :o

@€dit: hat alkohol selbst viele kalorien oder einfach alkoholische getränke wo noch irgendwelche sachen dabei sind?
alle hochprozentigen getränke haben viele kalorien
und ich hab das schon verstanden was du mit dehydriert gemeint hast, damit hast du ja auch recht nur ist das nicht die einzige wirkung die der alkohol hat.

1 liter vodka hat z.b ca 2300 kalorien
LOL @vodka :oo
bier hat weniger kalorien als ein saft
nice room :]
your television is way to high xD

you gained some weight this summer?
nah there are some magnets behind the tv so he can move his tv all over te wall =],


i dont like the funiture, except the bar :D
but me :( i wanna drink beer thoo :D
ah yea you are unbanned again, damn what a pity -_-

give us some more pics, can hardly see anything of your room; and no naked pics plz
looks like hotel lounge
Drink milk girl...
You definitely don't understand a fucking thing about orderning a room.
what a curious phenomenon, that ppl who actually can afford taste never have it. but nice showing off, chav :D
Nice , I have friend birthday tomorrow with beers and vodka :) cant wait
Age: 16 ( 19 June 1993 )

though so
18 ( 6 April 1991 )
not that, i am not blaming you, but you are excited because u are going to a birthday with beer and vodka, so i though u are young..
first time you're going to drink alcohol? congratulations, be careful so your parents wont notice anything!!!
nop gtfo noob i realy dont care fucking inet retard
Where fuck did i say that im going to drink first time
cmon, you're just off the topic posting something like that... but hey, it's gonna be the special first time, remember not to take more than couple beers then m8!!! youll be ok!!!!

where is the party held? in his bedroom or outside in some park or..?
Where fuck did i say that im going to drink first time
image: 2008_02_07_great_success

"read between-the-lines" you told
what a fucking homo delphin table whats wrong with u :s
lol, spoiled fucker and one hell of an attenwhore, reminds me of some other people.. you're not unique AlexL :(
welcome to the 70s
That room is one piece of fucking shit
najs room pwner
looks very gay, but maybe that's how you liked it.
you need bigger television and it should be like 30cm closer to ground, looks stupid this way.. and also the table is too small, and cmon the bar? nice floor tho as mentioned above :P
welcome back
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