Taliban complex

[ ] seriously wtf?!
[ ] superman iz back xD
[x ] sympathetic soldiers?

zLoLd! XD
And boom goes the dynamite. Yes yes, it wasn´t dyna, SHUT UP!
some more for the lads! GET IN THERE MY SON
Don`t get the funny part
Meet Sexy Women in your Area!
At the end "He didn't lost the key ?!" ahah :D
That's what the glorious fight about freedom is about. Making fun of people while you blow them up.
i'm with you so much!
land of the brave: bombing ppl from where they cant see you, and watch them die on tv as they die.

laughing like a lunatic is encouraged to make the other brave soldiers believe you has the balls...
The video of the little turkish boy who gets a activated nade from a us soldier is missing...

Maybe publish a video where us-soldiers get blown up that would be fun.
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