Gonna roll this tourney

SM Texas No Limit 2850+ 150 €, Freezeout

SM means Finnish Championship, not sadomasochism

Also Texas No Limit is a form of poker, in case you didn't know

Starts tomorrow at the Helsinki Casino and lasts for 3 days. I'll receive free drinks if I wear a 24hpoker.com shirt since I won the ticket from their qualifier tourney :O

The tourney has max 220 seats, and if all are filled the winner will receive around ~200k€ which would be n1ce

Nerds gonna get rolled. PS: http://www.pokerihanska.com/?h=404884102 wat
GL Vanhaomena:)
GOODLUCK, you can thank me in money if you win
best poker player in cf?
what is it with finnish people and poker?
juha helppi is big owner
sahamies > *
amazing what they do :X if i play at more than 3 tables possibly 4 I just lose and lose :x
I nowadays play 4-6, when I played @ small stakes I had like 9-12 because the decisions were very automatic (just look at your cards, at higher levels you need to think & read a bit)
i play low limit cuz all the money I have on full tilt is from freerolls but just see that with multiple tables im rly bad :X
played yesterday with helppi and sahamies in the same table @ helsinki!
how much did u lose?
well it was 1k€ plo tourney, but sold 30% of it before. lost with AA42ds vs sahamies's 7632r pf allin. standard.
ah omaha =)

its fun but im much better in NLHE
plo > all ! much more fun 8)
yes but im bad in it :D
Again you with the word lan?
PS: chmpp where are you?
i am here. sup m8? :)
Good luck Vinhis :) ! roll those nerds!
AL players even cheat at poker :(:(:(:(
lowest tourney ever :(:((((((((
GL!! :-)
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