Lolfenstein !

Was away enoying my holidays for quite some time and i missed all the those funnies Wolf journals due the broken server hardware or what ever ... so how did the community decide in the end ?

[ ] back to ET

[ ] maybe, waiting for a proper Wolfpro

[ ] ET till MW2 or nothing

image: 2jxhrm
quake live!
what are your stats now?!
Frags / Deaths: 1,617 / 1,467
et for ever rawr
[ ] maybe, waiting for a proper Wolfpro
[] won't try wolf
waiting for MW2
[ ] maybe, waiting for a proper Wolfpro
need sauce for pic
i've liked WOLF since leaked beta
QL/ET, waiting for cod6
[] Wait for wolfpro and pray my isp stops lagging me at wolf + play cod4 & ql
playing wolf since the leaked beta, dunno why everyone hates it ;€
problem for me is that wolf looks too much like cod/cs etc.

those multiplayers just dont fit me, the nades, the guns, ironsight and stuff is nothing for me.

to see pretty much the only decent normal game besides those change into one of those is pretty frustrating
the wolfpro mod change a lot into the right direction imo. So i can only say that the ppl should try it with the mod first before insult the game.

I know without it, its pretty sucky ;[
well I'm not going to insult it, but I wasn't planning on spending about 40 euro for a game that I probably wont even play because I won't like it from what ive seen sofar :P
yes i understand you. But what i dont understand is all the ppl here who say "omg i dont like wolf its like COD" and now they cheer about that they will play MW2

makes no sense at all xD
that doesnt make any sense indeed :D
mw2 will be pretty much similar in promod/pam don't know why people freaks out
allthough, cod6 will have sick singleplayer <3
Its not a picture :(
waiting for MW2
never left ET
when will it finally be released dammit
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