29 Aug 2009, 10:51
Over the last 4 years i've been playing with some mice from logitech but time and time again they keep breaking or failing on me even though i did not abuse them in any way whatsoever. I need the brilliant minds of crossfire to inform me on some of the offers beside Logitech and preferably your personal experience with the mice you are using.
Having your win sensitivity set to something else than the 6th notch will mess with this (will multiply or divide it). 4/11 is dividing it by 2 (800 dpi if your mouse runs 1600) and 3/11 will divide it by 4. (Others values aren't integers and lead to pixel skipping issues)
MS Intelli 3.0 working w/o any problems for a year now!
But for me Razer Copperhead x333
*EDIT* the only ereason my old one broke was because the hertz on it were set to high and over a period off time it will brake, 1.5 years it lasted not bad iu guess even though i threw it about ect...
Anyway try again with a G5 or MX518; after all the logitech you had the feeling with a razer mouse wouldn't be so good :p
I'd recommend Deathadder or Krait.
i tried mx518, g5, copperhead, deathadder, lachesis, and from those the worst ones were copperhead and lachesis, the shape was simply annoying and it was impossible to play with them, g5 and mx518 were quite ok but deathadder was better by far
but all got replaced for free ROTFL