HoN team

need highskilled hon team, pm me here or add crunkk :-)
come play with cRz and me!
if you would play a good game, the search for a highskilled team would be easier
lol just because you suck at it / don't like it
and? its epic just because you're good at it / like it? please
its simply a really good game, sureley some things are unbalanced but its just a beta and balancing dotas gameplay to the level it is today took a very long time.
it IS epic.
come play with sabio and me!
you could teach us! :D
add zamykator !

1698K / 1089D
my k/d stats are kinda fucked up because one guy didnt wanted to concede and i selfkilled myself like 30 times so they end it faster :D
learn me how to play it!
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