eLemenT'FragLand eLemenT'FragLand

is back @ this new ip...

for those who care :D

for those who dont: flame :DD
i dont give a fucking rat's ass is last shit, gtfo from here.
why dont u get the fuck out of here, nobody likes you.
thats why I stay. To make kids get angry. And to piss out losers/fatty like you.
check my photo, if u think im fat, or indeed u are some sort of man beast, i invite u to come to england where prolly most 13 year olds will kick ur fake-french ass. :D
why would I pay 1000 $ to come to england to see a fucking loser. Everything Im gonna do in the england, is insult your shit head. so why do I have to pay to insult you, when I can do it right now. Fucking geek. Get a fucking life you moron shit. God youre an idiot.
sorry could you repeat that in english?
Wolf server avi as well?
no ded linux and win server sucks
haha what about your superstar member McKing? is he on the server? cauz that would make it pwn...
nice place to nerd around, hi Cokeser
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