
what was moment of most wtf in ur life?

image: dude-wtf_25882
Being born.
Diaby handing Man Utd home win today.
being born :D
browsing /b/ for the first time
it must be 2 girls one cup for the first time. Nowadays its good video
so totally agree with the last part
when i checked this Link

Australia's still like WTF mate? ^^
Brilliant :D

Still makes me laugh everytime I watch it.
when i saw 2 old grandmas playing ping pong in the middle of the sidewalk and just playing it with a pokerface!
Had an out of body experience, flew over the town in some sort of see through craft. I couldn't move alot cuz when I put my feet to the side there was a wall of some sort. Was accompanied by extreme sensations of bliss and peace and when I got put back into my body I saw the cars on the road and I opened my eyes there were all the cars I just saw floating down and they were in the spots they should be on the road... I was like wtf..

Other time I had an extreme bliss like feeling, like 50 million orgasms at once for a few hours starting at my spine going all through my body... I rmembered everything in my life, was the most incredible experience I've ever had.. But I haven't had any of those anymore, all just once ;/
where do i get that shit? do want
well the first one was me having a huge argument and afterwards sitting outside, strangely after the experience every bad feeling just disapeared like it never happened.. Nothing like that ever happened again tho.. 2nd one I had a few times but not as long, read around on the net on found some simularities to a kundalini experience.. dunno tho but I was working 12 hours a day when that started happening so it could be hormonal shit or excess of dmt in the brain.. Tried meditation for a while aswell, got rly close to some amazing sensations but it always stopped cuz it literally took my breath away.. maybe try that :>
what were you using lol
nothing, apart from the occasional joint :]
one day i was walking down the street and a pizza delivery guy comes on his bike, then suddenly 3 lil kids, looked like fuckin 6, they just run towards the pizza boy and push the bike and the guy fails and fells off, i was like "wtf?! where did that came from" and they ran laughing like hell.

Other one was one day i was on the highway and suddenly i see a dog flying like 2 meters above my car... W.T.F.?!?!!
The dog had been ran over by a car on tht highway. Damn he flew damn high 0.o...

The most recent one was on the mindfuck topic, the last mindfuck, where you can see jesus... MY GOD.
wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiing :DDDDDDDDDDddddddddddddddddd
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