What would you change in competetive ET?

- cl_maxpackets in 71-100
- mobile mg should be brought back
- a headshot with scoped garand/k43 should kill instantly, medics too. And the recoil should be like in RTCW. (so that 71fps and highsens wouldn't help much ;) )
- fix to the nade&revivebug
- disable all the irritating scripts (such as 180script, jumpscripts)
- when proning, the exclamation mark shown above the objective carrier should be lower than it is now. And the exclamation mark could be made less visible overall, already made a journal about it before the hardware failure of crossfire :l
image: theobjective

Add suggestions and comment those ones, pls :>
Flame on!
- cl_maxpackets in 71-100 No
- mobile mg should be brought back Yes
- a headshot with scoped garand/k43 should kill instantly, medics too. And the recoil should be like in RTCW. (so that 71fps and highsens wouldn't help much ;) ) Yes
- fix to the nade&revivebug Yes
- disable all the irritating scripts (such as 180script, jumpscripts) Yes
- when proning, the exclamation mark shown above the objective carrier should be lower than it is now. And the exclamation mark could be made less visible overall, already made a journal about it before the hardware failure of crossfire Yes
Well, the exclamation mark is fine as it is.
- cl_maxpackets in 71-100 NO
- mobile mg should be brought back overpowered static gun
- a headshot with scoped garand/k43 should kill instantly, medics too.NO
And the recoil should be like in RTCW. (so that 71fps and highsens wouldn't help much ;) )yes
- fix to the nade&revivebugyes
- disable all the irritating scripts (such as 180script, jumpscripts)yes
- when proning, the exclamation mark shown above the objective carrier should be lower than it is now. And the exclamation mark could be made less visible overall, already made a journal about it before the hardware failure of crossfire :lyes
I'd change the /b_shrug to 1 and add pale's sieg heil animation to that

Do you have any video of this sieg heil animation? :D
- cl_maxpackets in 71-100
- mobile mg should be brought back
- a headshot with scoped garand/k43 should kill instantly, medics too. And the recoil should be like in RTCW. (so that 71fps and highsens wouldn't help much ;) )
- fix to the nade&revivebug
- disable all the irritating scripts (such as 180script, jumpscripts)
- when proning, the exclamation mark shown above the objective carrier should be lower than it is now. And the exclamation mark could be made less visible overall, already made a journal about it before the hardware failure of crossfire :l

-leave maxpackits
-bring back mg indeed
-sniperscript does not excist
-force cfg recheck / add cvar
what is nade&revivebug ?
Sometimes, when you throw a nade and die, get revived, you get supplied with another nade.
Only real bug that needs fixing is spawn with fake stamina. That bug is too annoying for words.
what is fake stamina?

no stamina?

or there is stamina but it looks empty?

im usually just raging how the fucking shit game this is so havent really focused if theres it or not
The bar says you have no stamina yet you do have stamina (albeit a very little amount)
Despite its being; although
i agree as always with u jasper <3
- enforced maxpackets is good, avoids arguments
- antipro
- remove landmines completely
- decrease cov charge time
- keep mg out
- increase engineer chargetime (to reduce riflenade spam)
- elimate movement scripts
- make snipers strong but have more recoil

in an extreme case you could let all classes start with level 1 light weapons in xp so that you have an extra magazine of ammo to encourage fire fights

essentially reduce spam, increase firefights

final thing.... attract new players to et/maintain a community
- cl_maxpackets in 71-100 NO
- mobile mg should be brought back Definate NO
- a headshot with scoped garand/k43 should kill instantly, medics too. And the recoil should be like in RTCW. (so that 71fps and highsens wouldn't help much ;) )Yes
- fix to the nade&revivebug Yes
- disable all the irritating scripts (such as 180script, jumpscripts)Only 180, push and trickjumps
- when proning, the exclamation mark shown above the objective carrier should be lower than it is now. And the exclamation mark could be made less visible overall, already made a journal about it before the hardware failure of crossfire :l yes
Dude, why increase the recoil? :(
also fix the r nade bug where you can't load them on your wepaon
u mean like when u just spawned and u first have to switch weapon ?
was about to write it but I guess there won't ever be etpro 3.2.7
I wouldn't change any of those points :g
lol mitkä conffit
com_maxfps > mousehz > r_displayrefresh > mousepad
111 fps in tkbtimedemo with that cfg, and I have an old pc :O))
please man,sniper is already overpowered enough
forbid enemy pushing
fuck off pb and +antipro
remove spread, remove turnspread, remove jumpscripts, allow turnscripts, enable bounce 0.25, increase the speed of the game, remove PB, use antipro, allow high loadbias, add brightskins, remove ingame chat.
nice taste!
You forgot: allow cheats, then you're back to your old skill level. Keep in mind that others will have it too though!
So cheats would make me worse? :-S
if you invest enough money you can relatively improve your skill :P
go play instagib
in fact we just need antipro in and ET will be saved
just whining about all the things that you get owned by.
Yeah, sure. Actually I get owned by snipers and I still would add more firepower to them, that's in contradict with your theory..
- disable all movement scripts
- fix fps dependent recoil
- fix the remaining small bugs (can´t pick up weapons e.g..)
what about 100mxpkts only
i could write a lot about various bugs concerning rifle nades, pistols and reviving, spawning without any action bar after a class change, /kill on exactly 0, and some more stuff. But I'd rather go sleep
- bring back soldierchargetime 20000
- get rid of pronedelay
- remove landmines
- bring back some of the xp levels, like light weapons lev 1, signals lev 1
- re-create the maplist with some decent maps (like oasis, battery, fueldump <3) :p
- remove shove
- remove PB
- bug fixes of the things listed above
- I'd also like to play without pronedelay
- landmines shoud be limited to 3 in 6on6, in 5on5 there wouldn't be any.
- I would only allow the lightweapons level 1.

- why would you remove shove? because of the scripts?
- what is slodierchargetime 20000 ?
I would remove shove because it isn't really a competitive feature. :D And soldierchargetime is obviously for recharging the power bar for soldiers (in milliseconds), it's 30 seconds nowadays, but used to be 20 before.
- cl_maxpackets 100, rate 25000 Yes
- mobile mg should be brought back Yes
- a headshot with scoped garand/k43 should kill instantly, medics too. And the recoil should be like in RTCW. (so that 71fps and highsens wouldn't help much ;) ) No, this is bullshit, remove sniping and all the scripts entirely or keep it as it is
- fix to the nade&revivebug No, it's not important
- disable all the irritating scripts (such as 180script, jumpscripts, lagscripts) Yes, we should get back to skill instead of crutches
- when proning, the exclamation mark shown above the objective carrier should be lower than it is now. And the exclamation mark could be made less visible overall, already made a journal about it before the hardware failure of crossfire No
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