Schumi 2010 back in business

Just saw it in TV (n-tv) they claim that Schumacher will be driving in 2010 for Ferrari again. TOGETHER with the FIN and Massa. He will get a 3rd car. I so hope this is gonna happen!
No place for Alonso? :(
I want schumacher's euros
We´ll see, I so hope that it will happen. Then we need Spain Alonso to Ferrari too (replacing Massa ofc), then we would see who is the man ;)
no way!
massa >> alonso
Not saying anything about skills, except that equal cars race between those three champs would show that Alonso < Kimi/Schumi.

hope he won't fail
All rumors and speculation. Yes, Ferrari are thinking about entering a 3rd car into competition. Yes, Schumacher/Ferrari didn't rule out a comeback in the future, they also stated that nothing is really planned yet.
Further Alonso coming to Ferrari is being discussed. Raikkonen might end his F1 carreer or might look for another team. Also Massa's recovery will be a crucial point for the future.
Bottom line: too early to tell, n-tv is a tabloid channel anyway.

there were also mentioned Kubica and Fisichella
Raikkonen will never drive in a different F1-team than Ferrari. End of discussion.
If Ferrari replaces him with Alonso, he can only do 2 things: end his carreer or look for another team. Raikkonen implied that he might end his carreer, but if he feels like driving in F1 anyway, it's not out of the question to go to another team. Imo he would only settle for 2 other teams: McLaren or a team with a really fast car like Brawn.
McLaren is full of dickheads. if you are not british you will be set to 2nd driver automaticly and you will get all the old parts when you teammate hamilton will get all the new parts, you will drive every race with full tank of gas and prolly your garage guys will fuck things up in some point, it's just impossible to win in this team, better changes to win is in other teams, even tho they might be slower.
McLaren always picks one driver as their favorite pet indeed. It used to be Hakkinen and Raikkonen, now it's Hamilton. Raikkonen probably won't go back as long as Hamilton is there. Maybe Rosberg will go, although he's probably afraid that he will get put in second place behind Hamilton too.
I hope F1 will have some good driver changes. Kovalainen needs to go, he's just too slow. Imo:
Ferrari: Massa, Alonso
Mclaren: Hamilton, Rosberg
Renault: Kubica and a good second driver
Williams: Heidfeld and a good second driver
yes, i believe it too that rosberg will be in McLaren next time, they needed german driver but i don't think ferrari will dumb kimi :) but in the end we will see and kovalainen has fuck up his changes and prolly no one wants him anymore! XD
He said it as a tease for some donk-interviewer few days ago, if he rides anywhere else than Ferrari, that will be in WRC (And Fiat is the first option there, though they don´t have WRC-car yet) or in some Le Mans comp.

But in F1, nope. And back in McLaren, please :DDD
Do you ever feel that some drivers are not meant to driver for other teams? I mean that some of them are destined to drive for Ferrari. For example I could never see Hamilton in a Ferrari but I could see Alonso!
Hamilton is too posh for Ferrari imo. But Alonso, sure. Vettel too (in under 5 years, I SAID IT NOW, remember!)
thought massa only drives hogs... :O
Interesting :)

Either he'll prove again that he's one of the best F1 drivers there is or he'll ruin his previously built up reputation :< Me thinks
same here, he would be stupid when driving again. he was the best driver in the world, what can that make better even if he woul d drive as in the past,

but if he fails, omg that would be like destroying is own monument!!!
I don't think he gives a fuck about his reputation. You see it with a lot of sportsman, ater a few years doing nothing whole day they want to do something and go back to their sport (for a new challenge).

Counting your money whole day gets boring after a while.
that would be unfair :<
awesome :D
just another advertising trick :p
This news is fuckin old
lol 3rd car allowed?
Only 26 cars allowed on the grid. If 13 teams enter the next season each with two cars, they'd need to change the rules in order to make that possible.
would be awesome
omg would be so fucking awesome!
schumacher the biggest faggot in the history of racing
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