#boredomness 666

what's up Anonymouscf? <3 im chilling @ home, tomorrow back to Finlandarmy :))

Had a long weekend away from the army, feels fucking nice to be @ home :D
2 months gone, 10 to go.

So, now i need some serious answers :)))

1. Seriously, is Wolfenstein crappy piece of shit? is it worth spending the moneyz on it?

2. Is ET scene dead (yeye dead since 2005 care) now?

3. Anything leet happened on crossfire? new alexL shit? more evilynn pics or something?

cheers, mAna <3 :))))))))))))))))))))))))
1. dno
2. med+ new high
3. cf hacked!
1 Wolf = Crap
2 scene is as dead/alive as always
3 Tosspot and killerboy started a relation
Come to play 6on6 !!!!!!
1 Wolf with wolfpro is good
2 alot of OC signups full of 2 weeks clans & cheaters
3 killerboy busted with hax
Quote3 killerboy busted with hax

1. Wolf is nice (SP kicks ass, MP quite playable even on the beta-pro)
2. No idea, same ~80 faces, few random cheaters, nothing going on (except the no-show-OC)
3. We were blast back 6 months because of the database-BOOM

Went to lil-brothers "vala" on friday, I still diss him because he went for it instead of the vakuutus. Waiting for if he gets to the AUK, training to be a military-dog. GL for him!
meikä aukis myös. vakuutuksen olisin minäki tehny mut ois pitäny lähtee nii aikasi aamul ni ei napannu :DD
[fi]Selityksiä... Ite sain 2 kl kun patterin lesta-päällikkö pakotti mut menemään valaan marssimaan, päästi lestat lomille. Nostin ihan perkeleenmoisen metelin sille siitä, jo alkoi nöyrtyä kun sanoin että käsitelläänkö pitkällä kaavalla :D[/fi]
oikein :DDD
1. dunz
3. ?

gl mana
1. Seriously, is Wolfenstein crappy piece of shit? is it worth spending the moneyz on it?

2. Is ET scene dead (yeye dead since 2005 care) now?

3. Anything leet happened on crossfire? new alexL shit? more evilynn pics or something?

1. atm it sux but it will get better from time to time (promods...)
2. no its alive
3. im back from holidays
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