vegas9 rendering>

i made this clip its like max 30 seconds long but rendering takes like over an hour.

my specs arent the problem cause well i have a very good pc :D

maybe its my settings but i cant seem to fix it + google is being an ass

help ploxz
project settings ?
other tasks running ?
image: settingshrt

only i have 50 fps instead of 25

no other tasks running except mirc and iexporer.exe
Is het niet gewoon standaard dat je lang moet renderen?
Duurde bij mij ook iets van 30 minuten voor iets van 15 sec footage
Had alleen wel een framerate van 45,45 en uncompressed. Weet niet hoe dat bij jouw zit.
If you added alot of Magic Bullet Colors and stuff it takes rly long to render + sony vegas 9 sucks anyways :)
mm ke well i did add a mbc but what vegas u suggest(so i can get it somewhere :o) )

just tried it without mbc still as long as fuck :<
Color Curves is the best choice, mbc sucks, and download Vegas 8.
the new magic bullet version works great tbh. Its alot faster and the colors are just awesome but I dont care anymore ;D
I tried it few months ago and i didn't liked it ;p Color Curves is the best, this strange glow from mbc sucks for me.
mm.. dunno, I never tried Colors Curves tbh but I pretty liked the colors of MB, you need to put some decent colors and it wont get these ugly shit glow effect ;D
I just tried it few times, so i don't know how to set 'decent colors'. I can get colors like in MBC when i useing primary plugins from Vegas, and i don't lose at rendering speed.
when Im back at my pc Im going to link you to some of my latest clips Ive done before, I quitted moviemaking :) Oh btw did the new image.exe already got released ?
I don't know tbh, I came back from holiday and I'm not really 'in' fresh news ;D And why u quitted moviemaking? Got bored of it?
Ye, Im not motivated enough to finish some project and stuff cuz it really needs so fucking long time :D
You don't know what is long time :D. I'm still waiting when Polish Community Movie come to end. Waiting for COOBA to say what i have to change is really boring you know? And i can't start anything else because i don't have disc space for that.

This is so unfair :D.

Mainly moviemakeing is boring, but when your movie takes too long time to do you can lost motivation just like me... or you. Its moviemaking's bad side(dunno if you can understand it xD) :(.
Nice, Im waiting for your movie so dont disappoint me : D

E: ye I know what this bad side means because it just pwned me some time ago and told me to quit :D
My part is almost done, hristo's too, dunno about COOBA's, and we have to do a lot of work so i don't really know when it will be released tbh. We have to send our parts to COOBA, and he have to mix it to BIG, maybe amazing movie! It will probably takes many time, so.. ;D

QuoteE: ye I know what this bad side means because it just pwned me some time ago and told me to quit :D

I lol'd very hard :DDDDD
Oh noes I got quoted :'DDDDDDDDDD

Uh, I thought your the only 1 doing this movie but I was wrong :D gl with it :)
It could be way easier, if i could make it on my own. But i have to work with other persons so thats why it takes a lot of time...

Anyway thanks :-) And wait for it, it will be worth your waiting.
get Vegas 8.0 and btw did you record with 200 fps and rendered to 50 ? Ive quitted moviemaking some time ago but it took even longer for me so np ;D Ive rendered some 30 secs clip in like 2-3 hours but with awesome colors and quality ;p
i used image.exe and recorded with 250 avidemo
then in vegas i make it 50 fps :)

well ur clips were idd awesome but then for a fulltime movie with like 10 minutes + mbc effect it'd take days?:S
Yes, thats why this plugin is sensless.
Yup , it could take some days ;D Try with color curves like w3DE said and check if you like it. as example take the same footage and render with colors curves and magic bullet and then you decide.
well i deleted 9.0 complete getting 8 while speaking :D and u were right about the effects i started a clean render and it was done in notime xD
If your going to use magic bullet colors then use some decent colors without any shit glow effect or smth cuz they look ugly and will fuck the quality up ;)
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