oasis !

bring it back!




leave it be @ etpub
the band u mean?
Im kinda confused atm, do you mean the band or the map ? :D
Say no to both :)

Noel is better on his own and double full holds are boring
I dont think double fullholds would be that common. Just needs some attack-tactics instead of just rushing what every other map is about. Id like a map where you can win games with good coordination. Maybe possibly reduce allies spawntime even more?
The spawn itself should be moved closer to the 'castle' rather than decreasing the spawntime (I would even set it to 20). For example it could be moved to the top floor of the main route, and this spawn would only get activated when the wall is blown.
well i dont think its too hard to attack so i wouldnt need any new spawns, spawntime reducement would be pretty much same as with new spawn but with less work
Removing landmines would probably fix the full hold problem, and perhaps also force the teams to defend more cautiously instead of that all out aggro defense crap. :p
the landmines are always on the same places, only idiots still run on them -_-
Imagine a scenario where you have your usual aggro defense outside the garrison walls and it falls apart, but you still have a few mines blocking the north gate for example, versus a similar scenario but without the landmines. Small things can make a difference! :p
limits your movement on the areas and if someone is shooting at ya it tends to make the mines a little more effective.
chmpp has spoken!

bring it back now cmn
delivered: image: oasis_Main_shot
bring fuel dump back

bring makarrech street

bring wolken_b2 back

bring karsiah_te back

bring falkenstein to the top

bring railgun back

bring supply to the banlist.
Theres nothing wrong with supply.
its like poldorf and polivery - popply (<-lol)
it's overplayed. that's the problem.
overplayed yet most of the people sucks on it : <
imba imba imba!

there are so many real competitve maps around, every week is one new map incoming, why dont we really change the maps?
True! Brings back the lovely old memories!
sAy sAy!
et_ice ftw
yes. and bring xp level 1 back, a pb that doesnt lag and remove the cheaters
last 3 words!
I agree.
In b4 nismo's comment
what superboyy said!
oasis sucks because noone CBA walking 10 miles from allies flag to axis guns every time they die.
thats really poor argument.. if you can strafejump its quite fast...
still theres no action involved.
+1 the same problem as in tc_base
Oasis - best map ;)
I guess you love doublefullholds then..
.. though oasis is still better than delivery.
Still remember playing with engine @EC, dunno enemy was that polish ironcros? team and I hold south by my self like 3 minutes, fragged all down everytime, then the decider came, radar and I was carrying da docs and I just played and joked around the truck ;D best moments <3
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