I sweared that i will never every discuss with you again about football. Since you are a HSv fan + bayern hater and i have 0 chance to convince you from my opinion its just senseless to talk with you about football
Ribery is way too overrated. Real should never have sold robben to bayern, and now they are trying to get ribery to replace him.... FOR FUCK SAKE fuck robben is a light year ahead of ribery and A*^SHDÂSFHÂSHFA*^SFHA^ÄFHOÅSÄDFGHoåädsgahfo¨äfhoahådäåäfhd
but ye ribery > ibra too
and btw ibra wasn't that great, ok but not more
good night :P
arshavin @ high+
Crouch is playing for Tottenham
Real is just plain stupid.