1st september journal

boring like h3ll here at work, grabbed my 2nd cappuccino, its starting to wake me up...but there is no morning journal...what happened to Thomm, what happened to wsk...i am rly worried bout ´em!

weekend was so great

Friday poker as usual.... but +/- 0 cause of a big suckout in the middle (flopped a FH, and a fish got a better FH on river, tsss...)

Saturday Party of the year! Celebrating 5 birthdays with one party, at least 200 people. Beer & shots for €1, drinks for 1,50€...we made €2200, but that isn´t enough for our costs! We had striptease (the girl was whore...she prolly had 5-6 "affairs" right at the party), 30.000W music, Doner & Spanferkel for free, timber sports contests, 2 bornouts, fun without an end
And the biggest hangover i ever had in my life, needs to be topped at my 30th next year :D

Wolf still doesnt attract me, played it for ~1h SP and ~5h MP, while summer i wont play online (except poker xD) :/

yesterday i posted a pic here at CF...a dude who was sitting on the floor and puking... big c aka chosen deleted my comment without arguments, could anyone explain me what was wrong?!? Big c doesnt answer questions of small worms like me...oh deer, why am i not as powerfull as big c? :(

how is ur morning?

and who can giiive me the trivia-link?

the bornout-bike:
image: P101012211

edit for the polish:
i dont rly care what happened 70 years ago, guess why!?! yes, it wasnt the my fault nor i know any nazi in my generation. h3ll, why dont u blame the Italians every year for hunting down jesus 2k years ago?!?
* Waiting for Thomm's morning journal. *
same here, but 60mins and nothin happened...i was close to start working...omg!
OMG NOoooo dun do it :oo
<3 the bike
well mate i got 13e today in poker LOL
time to sleep,..good luck @work

ps:i love morning journals.. damn!
Nice, free doner at a party!
i woke up at about midnight

i spent my thursday so far eating warm food and drinking cups of tea and catching up on the news and thinking about how awesome leeds festival was
LOOLL why do you use that nick XD
why he shouldn't
going to school in 3 minutes.
http://www.funtrivia.com/private/main.cfm?tid=92402 (pwned there with two guesses, thought my time would be ~150s because the page loaded so slowly, apparently it didn´t start to count until it was fully loaded)

Had a bad night, I guess I am coming sick.

1st dream: I was throwing up like hell, it felt so real. I have been walking around in the flat, searching for it IRL, haven´t found it yet.

2nd dream: Me and few of my buddies were walking into a local bar, it was summer, nice weather etc. Suddenly a gipsy attacks me, takes my hand and just hurls me around for few minutes (hey, actually this was the 1st dream now that I think of it, guess I had a feeling-sick-dream because of this hurling), then I get a hold on him and start to strangle him. He starts to bite me and eat my hand, it took ages to get him off and by then he had ate my right hand all the way to my wrist. And boys started to beat him because they thought he stole my watch by that way, but I was like "Let him be, I don´t have a watch, let´s just go, we are in a hurry!".

Not sure what to do today, guess I should stay inside, don´t know if I have fever since I can´t measure it. I don´t even remember how beeing in flue/fever felt like.
10/10 np :)
i love movie questions...hehe :)

get well soon!
Got school + work tomorrow, so I guess I keep sickday only today, unless it gets bad.
im going sleep now is 3:26 am already good night guys :)
bored in school, watching funny videos and ufc matches (event 102)
one driving lesson today and mayby go gym later, luckily my flu is almost gone!

ooooooh hai fattony!

Well, I am on my holidays haha!

Just did the trivia 8/10, wasn't really that easy with a few questions about actors and singers from the 60s and 70s (not even me is that old to know that shit)...

Just got up a few minutes ago, had a coffee but nothing to eat yet. Soonish I will go have a shower and then I have to go to work cause I forgot to do something. My boss is probably pissed, but I have holiday, he cant yell at me!! he wouldnt anyway, he is too nice for that :P

And after or before that, I havent yet decided, I will go get my hair cut. Planned that for last week already but was too lazy.

have a nice day everyone, especially the ones that have to work muahahah!
No rush with the haircut, I have been planning it for ~2 months.
yea but you look like catweazle anyway :D
What the hell is a catweazle? :D Did you see our Tallinn-trip already in fb?
image: catweazle

and just checked the pics out, haha, I was so right!
hahaha, that's right actually but part of my job (not to sell used cars, but to look like a guy who would) ;D
catweazle is epic stuff, the common xfire young guns cannot know that :)

and who doesnt know Marvin Gaye & Cher?!?

get a head massage before ur haircut...and u´ll love any upcomming visit at the friseur´s ;)
well the head massage is kinda part of the washing procedure... I don't really enjoy it when people touch me, especially when they're as unattractive as the woman who cuts my hair xD
but she's nice and doin it for 10 years now! :D
We have never had that stuff in Finland :/
tbh I've never seen that tv show, it's just like older people like fattony will call others "catweazle" if they have longer hair
In Finland it is just "god damn hippie".

I am so close to make a "searching clan for Wolf-OC" -topic atm.
hf finding a clan and scrims xD
Don´t you guys need an unreliable, somewhat-german talking lowskiller in your lineup? I am pretty sure I saw that kinda topic somewhere o.O
we're not playing wolf, sux. well, bd half of people can't run it on their pc's and in iNm everyone hates the game already
I see a start of a new beautiful clanship...?
I don't :D

gonna play ET in this OC, after that retire from active gaming ;D
Oh you bastard!
let's see how wolf scene is after this OC, but I kinda expect it to be as succesful as qw
ohh that s perfectly the same thing i'm thinking
since i am bavarian...i´d say "langhaareder Bombaleeger!"
hair cut ey, bikini wax?
no, head hair cut today
ow, head hair !!
thx for zeh info :D
1st september, 16 days till my bday wuhuhuu, I love september
4 til mine!
26 till mine :D
good morning
have a nice day crossies!
hello everyone

at work again as every normal week day, work boring as always bah

tonight going to the gym again

and then bed time woohoooo :D
dunno why but i can't get more than 5-6 correct answer in xfire trivia lately.. 4 today!
i'm a bit bored, want to learn some new song on guitar now, just have to decide which one! ;D
my parents got silberhochzeit today lol!
Saying you don`t care about WW2 is like saying you don`t care about your grandfather/grandmother.
wake me up when september ends
if its not on the google main page its not important
My first september, woke up @ 13.30...

that's pretty much it
i am celebrating the steamroll of Poland Poland 70years ago !
probably ur most digusting joke i ever read! pretty emberassing for an old man like u, gonna put u back to all those CF-kiddies :P
oh noez i did a political incorrect flame/ironic posting !

OMG !!!! shame on me !
dont start an ironic duel, u cant even compete xD
you are stupid, you could learn from poland what fighting spirit means, and from how they managed to always hold back their enemy and even win over them even though they are heavily outnumbered and outgunned.. they were the modern spartans :)
wake me up when september ends!
u r so awesome
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