Wasyl's injury
1 Sep 2009, 15:01
Anyone remember journal including this gif?
Some news in that case:
-Axel Witsel has been banned to the end of the year for this tackle.To compare: Taylor was banned for 3 games for tackle on Eduardo.
Some news in that case:
-Axel Witsel has been banned to the end of the year for this tackle.To compare: Taylor was banned for 3 games for tackle on Eduardo.
btw does Wasyl have any chance to recover?
and btw he already got banned for 4 matches @ team Belgium for some other red card so correct punishment imo
doesnt the guy sliding realize there is a chance someone might step on him, or is he just expecting that the guy will automatically dive like a pussy?
After the game, a teammate said Witsel wanted 'revenge' from a tackle 2/3 years ago! Very smart to say such things ofcourse!
- Game Anderlecht - Standard (nr 2 vs nr 1 last competition after testmatches the week after the regular season)
- Witsel = chosen best player last season (golden shoe award or how is it called)
- Wasyl = that made many some heavy faults last few games and last season
So in this is big news :D
but idd it was scary to see his leg, but my opinion is that witsel didn't really do it on purpose
"going for the ball" haha, watch it again and tell me how he goes for the ball on that one??!
No, at least don't hope so...
But saying he just wanted to play ball? Well i would consider a different way of approaching this situation then :)
No, he went for the dirty tackle. This happens quite often but it was bad luck for Wasyl that he had to be the victim. In one way this is good, because I hope the KBVB will punish these mistakes harder from now on, knowing that this can happen with those filthy tackles.
he went for the duel and he knew that if he couldn't get the ball then he would stand on wasyl's feet, which never would have give that hard injury like standing on his leg.
this wasn't just meant to be 'a dirty tackle'.
I said: freaks haha! The only thing that's getting it hard are the stewards and the fences. And the referee and the supporters who are leaving in bussen :p and police say we carried rocks. You should see the road there... :p
While Anderlecht & Standard are buchering eachother the BUFFALO's are reaping the fruits!
Which will be like NEVER :/
For all the players who defend Witsel's action by saying he is a dirty player, you should that this means that you can break everyone's leg who has ever made a fault before. That shouldn't be the case in football.
I just don't get how you all can be so blind and only think about wasyl, yes ofc he's the victim about a very sad tackle from witsel but witsel didn't do this with the thought 'ye ok there he is, the dirty player, let's break his fcking leg'...
witsel just went in duel and stood on his leg, very unlucky but he never meant to do this. Just think for 1 sec how witsel feels himself, everyone's calling him a murderer without having a fcking clue...
& btw.. you really think that tackle was totally not ment that way? I mean.. I know he didn't want to break Wasyl's leg, but it wasn't like he 'accidentaly' touched him. :)
"Kick of death"
ps : witsel is a dick, too much ego, also ditched his girlfriend for some miss
he just went for a fcking duel which ended in a bad way...and it's not like you can stop that easy, if you see how fast witsel was running you can't decide that moment to just stop and leave the duel... that's just impossible...