Fucking pb..

When i'm playing for like 30 secs my console starts to get spammed by pb with the msg; O/S exception failure. And 3 mins later im getting kicked for; General pb client authentication failure.

I tried updating pb trough setup and manually and tried reïnstalling it.. Any ideas or experiences with it? Can't find a solution on google.

Ty in advance <3

help mij is!
"O/S exception failure" is normaly a conflict between pb and software or hardware on your pc, i think you just have to make sure all your drivers are up to date etc.
i had the same problem, i just deleted all pb shits and reinstalled it, and i had this for one day, the other day is nothing :/
reboot. format C.
disable the UAC @ vista --> restart & play
disable UAC @ Vista = Win95

just run ET in adminmode!
nobody need that shit!!
wenn du das sagst wirds wohl so sein...
Update PB > Restart comp > shud be ok
ControlPanel->Management->Services->and set PnkbstrA.exe & PnkbstrB.exe to "automatic"

That should solve the problem.
Run ET as admin :3
QuoteI tried updating pb trough setup and manually and tried reïnstalling it

you deleted your pb folder,created new one ans started pb-setup out of that new folder ?
i got VISTA 64bit and had same problem

just do windows update and ur fixed unless u have xp i dno bout xp :)
Well guys thanks for all the help, i did windows update cuz ye i had Vista x64 and i updated my drivers. It's all solved now :)
Punkbuster just rolled you.
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