So hows wolf?

Hows the new wolfenstein looking lads? havent been into ET-Scene for a year or something now :/

Some minor updates and feedback about the new wolfenstein game would be much appreciated !

I like Wolf when I don't have random memory leakage.
Wolverine is fine
et is better
lolz lies uniq, we last played in may

and wolf sux atm
SP is decent, but graphics and gameplay is heavily outdated.
It's a bit addictive, which makes up for a lot of shit in the SP.

MP is immensely shit... Promod kinda helps.
Which game is up to date if Wolfenstein SP isnt?
You mean graphics or gameplay?
Well you can say both!
killzone 2 =D
CoD4 in both, graphics are far superior on the IW engine than on the ancient Doom3 engine.
Also, CoD4 has a gameplay experience that's unique in its intensity and storytelling.
Crysis uses the DX10 features to full benefit, which is currently the best looking game for PC.
For gameplay, Wolf is pretty damn shit cause of the immensely retarded AI, the random respawning of enemies, the as-old-as-games-exist bossfight idea, superbad hitboxes, the way you can rush the game on hardcore mode with only dying 10 times or so, and I can go on and on.
There are lots of games that offer a way better SP experience than this. I'm surprised you would think otherwise.
Well you can't say you didn't like the sp still! I loved it. Well cod4 is whole different game still, i can't imagine Wolf looking like cod4 tbh.
well, still!
go away still :<

stalking me??
great idea, need follow-function on cf!

e: u r brilliant! i leik
I was hoping it kinda did. Well, not look like CoD4, but Wolf deserved a better engine than the Doom3 engine! CoD4 has the same natural feel as the Quake3 engine. It moves smoothly and just feels right. The engine has the possibility to offer great graphics too, which is harder to accomplish with the Doom3 engine.

But like you said, the SP is addictive and one tends to forget all the shit & bugs :)
However a game of tetris can also be very very addictive but that doesn't mean it's a great game. If they want to make a shooter of a high level they have to be able to make it bugfree, if they can't then it's nothing better than tetris if you catch my drift.
IW Engine known as the Q3 engine :D
I really was wondering if that was correct or not, but apparently it is :D
SP is the best singleplayer i have experienced so far, with exceptions of cod4 and few others, but these are different games

im pretty sure it's worth paying for the single player, as among as there are few who likes to experience singleplayer and doesn't realy want to play competive
and its pretty obvious they worked hard for the sp

but i guess narrow minded people like a few i wont mention are too..."limited" ;S
How is the SP among the best SP you've ever played??
wow, if wolf sp is the best so far what kind of games have you been playing?
"SP is the best singleplayer i have experienced so far, with exceptions of cod4 and few others, but these are different games"

ye makes sense! so what do you wolf compare with, if not with "diffrent" games? made my day
duh, wolf is just a mod of the final fantasy series, Obviously
i have to say you are almost as bad as ps3/xbox fanboys

did they pay you to praise wolfenstein so much?
SP is awesome and MP is not bad. Will be cool with the new Wolfpro i hope
chosen will give you a warning for it.
chosen gives warning points for everything!
chosen is watching you. (both ^^)
chosen gave me 55 warning points, I got watched :(

how can i make chosen happy ? so chosen drops my points?
hi big brother 8-D
1 comment against schalke 04 -> 5 warning points.
1 comment against wolf (i just said it's dead already eventhough it wasnt really alive) -> 10 warningpoints.

both within 2days th3h3h3h3h33h3
Wir baden in dem Blut von Schalke 04, wir baden in dem Blut von Schalke04!
Stadion mit Schiebedach?
Wann gibts den Whirlpool?

@waiting for warning points
At first I was a bit skeptic but after checking beta, I can only say that it's great.

Don't listen to haters, just buy it and play, you will be pleasantly surprised.

And even if you for some reason won't like MP, you can always enjoy unique SP experience from bestest developers around - Raven.
the sp is just great and makes the game worth to buy it
Time machine!
Come on Uniq, everybody know you're the timemachine. Your rule is over, MY PEOPLE SHALL BE FREE AGAIN!
Best game ever. I would sell one of my kidneys to be able to play this awesome game, love the fast action and the high fps. The movement is outstanding. Oh and it never lags. I swear.
Im getting to like MP cause im pwnin nubs in cracked servers! :D

Singleplayer 2/5
Multiplayer 1/5

f'cked CoD2 fake :)
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