First Impressions

So, today was the day were i had to enrol at college, to see if i get in.

I thought it was going to be a good day, but i fucked it up so hard :(

I walked into the college, and went to the sports hall to see my future tutor. I looked around, and saw everyone had their GCSE results nicely presented in folders etc, however, i got the bus and had mine folded in my pocket, so i looked like a right cunt when i had to show him them. I found out that i had turned up late for my actual enrolment, so one of the other tutors had to ring my tutor of his lunch break to come visit me.

So, we talked and stuff, and all i had was my official statement of my results, and he asks me for my certificates... and i was like wtf?!? - apparently once you have been given your statement of results, you recieve nice fancy certificates to prove your results, my school failed to give me them... making me look more like a fucking retard.

So, its coming to the end, were i have to give in my entrance fee of £15. My mum writes me a check before she goes to work @ 6am and leaves it for me blah blah - i get the stage were i pay, and i find out my fucking kanker mum spelt the college name wrong -.-

So, im now on my way home reminiscing my failure of first impression and im waiting for my bus, and it starts to lash it down with rain... WHAT A FUCKIGN FUCK UP (i had no coat/jacket)

Their were many more things i could type, but fuck it, i cba :D

However, i got into the college, thanks for reading <3

image: 149vy3a
one of thouse days
thanks for wasting my time <3
hahaha good for you mate.
what ever happend
I never got a certificate for my GCSE's! I just took along my results which are counted as "Certificates of Recognition"

I fucked up on my first day too!
I suppose it isnt that bad, I would have taken the school one in too if I didnt read this :D
What you doing at college?
Nice GL!
i bet you look'd like a nerd with your bags :D:D

Gratz anyways =)
Ain't that great ^^
I'm doing Music Performance boooooom!
You just showed them you're too good to care if they will recruit you :))
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