Mini Notebooks

Hi dear, smart, handsome, and simply great crossfire users!

I think about buying a mini notebook as shown in the below picture!
Do you have ANY suggestions (best buy?) since I do not know a lot about the specifications etc...
Price range: 300-400 euro

image: China_Acer_Aspire_One_8_9_Inch_Mini_Laptop_1_6_GHz_Intel_Atom_N270_Processor_1GB_RAM_160_GB_Hard_Drive200810141738053

Btw; today a random bird planted a huge crap on my back so I had to walk around whole day @ uni with a crapspot...
Some yerman classmate told me it was going to bring luck!

GUESS WHAT, during the break I bought a bottle of fresh orange juice worth €3,- Because it was the 200.000th bottle they sold, I got it for Free... What a lucky day!

image: b4tgq5h9bjb8t7skc
Hahahaha :D. They're cute somehow ;x
Everytime when i refresh this journal i just start laughing :DDDDDDDD
/me lolling irl
cuttyP has one of those
they are shit, too small. waste of money imo.
i got a EEE pc for 200€ no hd, but i put some flashmemory init and its running fine. great tool when traveling, but its useless otherwise.

+ ubertiny and portable
- bad wifi connection, drops a lot
- battery goes for 3 hours max, using the adapter only kills the battery so my battery is only working for 2 hours these days
- resolution 800x480 sucks
i got 1

quite useful on the go
i got a samsung nc10- really reccomend

i play gta :vice city on it. is a good little laptop
Lenovo IdeaPad S10

zo'n ding moet ik ook hebben voor op het werk!
ask Estonia mini
I have an Asus EEE PC 900. I do not really use it that much any more due to the fact I bought a new laptop, but I am always surprised just how small it is, and how fast the operating system boots!
Also got one of these eee thingys from Asus.
Usefull for browsing CF/Facebook
With some softwareupdates even the Wifi doesnt suck that much
depend what r u epxect from notebook
specs are mostly the same, 1.6 ghz atom, 512 or 1024 MB DDR2, onboard intel graph.

There are a few other options which don't use the Intel Atom but other AMD or VIA cpu's, but never tested one myself. Most reviews say some of them are alot faster, don't remember the prices though.
if u call that luck, come and lick me
I'm going to get a 12.1" Samsung via work as they seem pretty decent, mega portable and I can get a staff discount through a family member.

Check them out, they might be good. Advent also make nice portable laptops, I use a few of them when I'm on a job with no problems.
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