Black screen of fucking death -,-

as i tried to put in a new agp gfx card with the same specs but just an ati instead of an nvidia i get the black screen of death at the start up but windows sounds like it works properly -,-

yeah its oldschool agp cards

anyone here got any knowledge of this shit and can help me out?


image: #q=hot%20ass
isn't it: Blue screen of fucking death?
Did you plug in the power cord to the gfx-card?

Other solutions:

- Plug in your monitor cable on the gfx card.
- Turn on your monitor.
fo not in the mood -,-
This was a serious reply, but nvm.
Hf with your black screen then.
where the fuck do you buy AGP cards these days anyway?
dude, I think that gameboy is worth more than the psp itself
used to have one of those and gotta say, the games on it are a lot better than on the newer thingies :p
makes sure all the cables are in correct. did you uninstall previous drivers before putting in new card?
yh formatted

previous gfx card works fine when i put it in
Time to upgrade!!!
only pc game i play is et ;p

got a decent laptop for school n other stuff

wana use this shit pc until i stop et o_0
can u get in safe mode or do u get a black screen before u get the chance to ?
yeah i get a black screen before i get a chance to :<
well i had same problem and i couldnt fix it :> was 2 newb 4 this shit, but use google , there was some useful info about this...
give motherboard and gfx card info...
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