AntiPro - Beta 3 Build 3

Please connect and play for at least 20 mins. Thanks.
im always downloading with 5 kb -.-
cl_wwwdownload 1
you must play 20 minutes, not 10 ...
!brick foxdie1986
d/c for unknown reason
yyy after playing 10 mins it quit ET and go to console whit error:
Z_Malloc: failed on allocation of 5292024 bytes from the main zone
that's a pretty known problem when you set zonemegs/hunkmegs too high i think, check link down and try. have a look on your settings
do you have any changelogs or anything just to focus on when testing?
i mean we are not joining the server to check whether we can play et or sth?
You join and play to see if there is any lag or rampant fps drops. I can see the rest in server logs :).
how many betas are going to be built and are u going to release a beta for everyone's use or fullversions only ?
I don't know.
Used to have pingjumps (from 48 to 60 then 52 etc) in the past beta's. This might be a server issue, but I hope its finally fixed.
imho it is lagg free, was messing around on it a bit even if not for too long(and I was partying hard meanwhile so not very concentrated). If you couldn't hit someone it was your opponents connections fault, not PB/server.
you were partying while playing ET? wtf?
no lagzzz w00t beer w00t beer w00t
oh, I failed then :(

never had any lags with pb, maybe that's why I didn't get it \o/
Hmm, I didn't feel anything different.

I still sucked.
please stfu
hey fusii i miss you :$
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