What are you gonna do?

So I am sitting here on my bed, left my character on SRO to bot so its plvling atm, listening to music and relaxing. I will probably watch some new premium brazzers videos, Jeez they rock. What is your plan for the rest of the night?

PS: no I cant get real girls, all i can get is my right hand
wow very original journal
uploading 380 wallpapers and giving them to you
I am in doubt.

I can watch a Bruce Lee movie, some porn, play Titan Quest, play ET a bit, can also keep listening to music and not do anything else.
gieff brazzers acc
fucking turk al-terrorista, get a knife and go berserk
/kill; forcetapout
you have been reported and will be banned for boting in SRO when you log out.
drinking more beer and playing shin megami tensei online
why use one hand if you can use...
2 hands :D
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