Any bigscale enthusiastics?

Wild shot but are there any other bigscale(1/5 or 1/6) enthusiastics on here? What do you drive?

I own a FG Marder myself but saving up for the new FG MT.

image: 03092009227

Expensive hobby :(

Overwhelming response.
by neighbour has one, and its LOUD
the suspension on those things looks pretty cool
Switch it for a clip without slowmotion, looks rather boring.
You're such a nerd Hkrep.
Why is this nerdy :(
I used to have some when i was younger :)
Some? these things are >1000 euro. Rich boy.
I used to get them 2nd hand and add bits on :D

I had a sexy 206!
i've got something inherited that kind of looks about this size that i dicked about with as a kid. can't remember how powerful it was and i doubt it was too great but it was expensive. would take it out to the quarry though and it still managed those conditions somehow ;e

should dig it out some time
i still got a subaru impressa from when i was a kid :D
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