r.i.p taz

Finland Taz has contracted the deadly H1N1 disease. The whole Finland Finnish ET (in other words #KRP.et) scene wishes that the last days of his life will be pleasant.

That's why I'll now take advantage of the new crossfire feature, so we can all listen to his favourite song and remember the fun times we had together.

PS. Sol: please do explain how a RIP journal like this qualifies as "spam". I took the liberty of reposting the journal WITHOUT CAPS IN THE TITLE, HAPPY NOW?
goodnight sweet prince
goodnight sweet prince
Love that song <3

BB mates :/ cu @ computer heaven
is it true :o ?
True dat mate
goodnight sweet prince
<3_____________________________<3 laura
maybe i dont like it because i dont understand it
you cant really have an opinion about it then. stupid
stupid or not i dont like it

Epic win song, can I get her album somewhere?
I hate that girl.
lol so true
this youtube embedding finally killed the last bit of gaming on cF.
Only the upper left side of the page is dedicated to gaming... The rest is for flaming and retardness. Always been like that and always will
okay so fuck u retard
vanhis, my bro :O)
Didn't saw you at Vanhaomenas house last time I was there ? Was u that pile of poo on the bathroom floor? :O :::::D
It's my house.
nothing special imo?
: D best comment imö
That girl needs to be shot.
gl to taz

I would do the girl btw, is good for my ragefucking skills !
Yellow teeth isn't as unsexy as this:

image: n678126170_2551719_5408

You are 69x more unsexy then yeallow teeth
That's a lot of ps2 games :o
*whispers* he's a nerd.. shush*whispers*
syndrome of down
ampukaa joku toi ämmä
had it already not so big deal
he is dead ... rolls can go outside now
i'd say being so mentally unbalanced you have decided to try to become japanese is the bigger turn off

but i still strangely would
Forfeit win?

Pretty easy...
I don't think so :)
plz i go yellow when i tan

and im going to lay the smack down on a buddhist tonight!
that may be china
lets hope the retarded nerd dies a slow and painful death..
Stfu newschool :DDDDDDDD
i will never forget you m8.
lol taz cant die only for that, it's more probably that he will kill it
and this is not spam? Wtf Frop.
hot hot hot hot hot
is this what finnish guys listen to? just wondering... could explain a lot :D
rest in pain
let's hope he dies as fast as possible
being handsome is for fags tbfh
I have that same as well :/
that's fuckin philosophical man
We all hate you Sol*COUGH* FAG *COUGH*
ll youtube plugin :o
i'll be missin ya

gniite sweet prince
image: weeaboofaggot

First Jade Goody now Taz this has been a good year.
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