finally home
4 Sep 2009, 08:59
after 2 weeks at the base, im back! but only for a couple of hours :)
whats new? i've seen there's a trailer of my upcoming movie, downloading atm ~:)
i finished all the courses at the army, drove hammer, sufa (off-road jeep) and a truck called International.
hammer and sufa are so fun, drove at the mountains and sands :~) how r u all :D missed crossfire and the lolz :{}
whats new? i've seen there's a trailer of my upcoming movie, downloading atm ~:)
i finished all the courses at the army, drove hammer, sufa (off-road jeep) and a truck called International.
hammer and sufa are so fun, drove at the mountains and sands :~) how r u all :D missed crossfire and the lolz :{}
tho im moving next sunday to my unit, but i still dont know what unit or where, the "selection officer" said I might serve at a battalion/regiment as a hammer driver.
will make a journal next week with more details : ~)
[heb]sihaknu kaduregel im sayeret golani ba basis susim em aval aya 2:1 laem rak :)[/heb]
2. Wolfenstein was released and has already died
3. dunz married
2. afaik full game was beta with more guns and maps : D
3. ??? : ||||||||||| pic or nevehhhhhh happen
all topics/forums/tutorials/movies/whatever else posted since march has vanished from the site
2. ET CB 6v6 OC/EC 121 registered clans
Wolf CB 5v5 OC 40 registered clans
3. yours first
Crossfire data was wiped because of the wolfenstein beta leak, the guys at wolfenstein contacted the authorities and the database was wiped clean.. However crossfire is so embarrassed about this so they tell everybody it was a hdd failure knowing their users are that damn gullible to believe it
say wat? :P