Wolfenstein - Big Success

I'll just leave this here

GMT+1 4:25 PM / Friday - Eurofags afternoon

image: lolpop

EST 8:00 PM / Thursday - USfags evening

image: sadface
80 ppl playing a new released game :I on a friday afternoon

and ? -> you can stop coding mods
friday afternoon, idd
Most people are still at school/work on afternoon.
well france/belgium maybe ... its kinda diffrent in germany :x

but anyways .... 6pm

79 players online just checked
Friday isn't a day where are a lot of people play, at any rate, though.

Most go out/hang out with friends/have practice of their sport/go to the bar/etc... It's the start of the weekend.

Though, I expected Wolf to be a failure and I'm glad that I'm right.
still a ridiculously low amount of players for a recently released game, normally there are enough nerds playing games, even on a friday at 6 pm
It's not even funny when RTCW 1.0 has more players than this.
even rtcw demo has more :)
Wolfenstein demo isn't out yet, so we can't compare. Stay with the facts please.
I compare the rtcw demo with the retail version of wolfenstein, not both demos :/
Wolfenstein demo will be success, trust me.
and? try to sarch for severs when america is actually awake :D
Stupid game anyway

Never will buy it
this random server is bigger than all wolf community
image: wolflol
wahaha made me lol XD
ban incoming
Made me smile :)
::D:D:D: :D::D : :D::D

prolly cause pubbing on this game gets boring after 1 hour
there is nothing new to discover after that :e
Wolf has a South-African server, does ET have that shit? =)))
Proves how shit it is, if Africans can play it.
had, but it's offline nowadays

e: http://www.enemy-territory.za.net
Splatterladder says:

Europe (1898 Servers, North America (397 Servers), World (354 Servers), Asia (110 Servers, South America (68 Servers), Oceania (32 Servers), Middle East (8 Servers), Commonwealth of Ind. States (CIS) (4 Servers), Africa (3 Servers), Antartic Region (1 Servers)
gief me IP's
Antartic Region (1 Servers)

lolz the eskimos
World (354 Servers)

which world is it?
quite many, didn´t expect that
it doesnt work right
lol, really good game
16:25 is a bit too early and friday is a lowpeak day afaik, but still. :-p
Looked at the exact same thing yesterday, over 200 servers and there was a total of 15 servers with people actually playing in them, thats including servers with 1 person connected, and out of them 15, 4 of them where cracked full servers.

I actually like the game but its dying a death already.
=X fingers crossed.
the main market shud be ETQW players and ET players, but either none of them want to pay for a new game, they are too happy with their current situation after playing et public for 7 years straight, or have heard the game is shit so havent bothered trying it.
So you really think that if wolf was really like RtCW and ET that no ET players would of bought it? I think not like ET:QW everyone was hoping it was gonna be good but.. it wasn't anything like what most people hoped.
I was only trying to make that point in the sense that not everyone would instantly jump at the chance to play the new game because if it was a good game, in most peoples eyes it would need to be pretty much the same as ET or RTCW. People like what they know, thats why theres people still playing RTCW cos even though its so similar to ET, they prefer it for its minor details.
I WANT to pay for new, good game.

But after play full beta version of it, I would have to be crazy to give my money away for something like that. It's place is in bottom of bargain bin in supermarkets, where sun does not shine.
public... couldn't care less...

Think in almost every game i played competitive i kinda never played pubs...

But its not a big secret wolfenstein community is way smaller than ET... but again i couldn't care less... smaller community, less cheaters :)

Oh and before u think i am a kinda "Wolf-Lover"... i also care less if Wolf dies :D ... crap game, only "playable" with wolfpro now tbh...
but again i couldn't care less... smaller community, less cheaters :)

if you play now vs bots because you dont find any enemies or play vs humans with bots makes no difference at all, but nice logic tho
So you actually care bout what?
You didnt make any sense go die pls!
I want to believe
too much cheaters in et community
i think cdkey is scaring so much people :c
I don't believe in the "oh lolz everybody is cheating nowadays", there are just too many people who really think they're good and always searching for a reason why they got killed
+1 and maybe even worse. There is no respect. And you forget the kids and retards. Those are even worse than the cheaters.
i dont bother with publics as most are 5o5.... i wouldnt play ET publics 5o5.

clan game 5o5s are ok atm, but without wolfpromod hopefully continuing to improve the competetive side then its a matter of time before the game is all but dead.
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