CF Admin Election

An election is a formal decision-making process by which a population chooses an individual to hold public office.[1] Elections have been the usual mechanism by which modern representative democracy since the 17th century. [1] Elections may fill offices in the legislature, sometimes in the executive and judiciary, and for regional and local government. This process is also used in many other private and business organizations, from clubs to voluntary associations and corporations.

The universal use of elections as a tool for selecting representatives in modern democracies is in contrast with the practice in the democratic archetype, ancient Athens. Elections were considered an oligarchic institution and most political offices were filled using sortition, also known as allotment, by which officeholders were chosen by lot.

Electoral reform describes the process of introducing fair electoral systems where they are not in place, or improving the fairness or effectiveness of existing systems. Psephology is the study of results and other statistics relating to elections (especially with a view to predicting future results).

Sounds nice no
This is the way to go ppl, all rise and demand the removal of these Communist, that use this site 4 personal gain (Tosspot) and maybe just maybe this site will have more clean players then cheaters once again.
I put my name forward for moderater!
How about only people that know how crossfire works (account > 5 years old) get to even be remotely considered adminning this.

Also, we don't need 20 admins for a site with a userbase of about 400 active(posting!) people.
This site has more than 400 active people, must be.
I mean actively posting. 80% or more are probably lurkers.
How about only 90+ years old people have a right to vote (for president/parliament)? Shittest argument ever.
Fuck Yeah! constitute a gerousia!
Members: 22189, Online: 312

You obviously don't know much. Lookup the word "active". Good luck.
We need less admins.

A good admin you never even realize is an admin, which is the polar opposite mentality of some those throwing out warning points every ten minutes.

Also what hkrep said.

Also also, voting admins is a terrible idea.
I agree, Meez.
Crossfire needs about 2/3rds less admins.
You also forgot to mention that democracy is a fucking failure because most of the voters are retards.
10 lines of wikipedia text and 2 lines full of bullshit!
Don't even want to know what happens when we unleash the power of democracy on this community
your ass licking ass gets banned, thats what happens
Klapp Klapp!!! :DDD
thx for proving my point
It's already unleashed.
I put myself forward!
who said crossfire is democratic?
We also need a poll where we can delete an admin
delete?! its like you would kill his pc life! so its even worse than killing him irl! omg wtf omg!
nah, it means: his mommy will ground him, no TV, no PC for a month!
almost the same ;)
dictatorship > democracy @ cf

just kill all those retards.
Agreed, they allow so much shit and then ban and warn people for stupid shit. There was some serious shit happening the other month and I reported it and they did FUCK ALL yet I got warning points for asking a question. Gonna report this site to get shut down if they don't fix up.
I'm in no position to say but here we go. Why would you want more admins? The problem is not that there are too little admins, rather there are too many who always conflict with each other. Get rid of the majority admins and keep it at 5 maximum - those who have been here long enough and know what they are doing (nellie and unblind for example). Get rid of the admins the community dislike. No offence to sol and chosen, but they are not making crossfire a better site with their decisions, even though they think they are. The majority of the community dislike them, that's no good is it?
we need good admins, not like u cuz ur shit
in the aristocratic sector of any society/community, you will always have leaders that are loved by some and hated by most. However, just because a lot of people hate somebody, doesn't necessarily mean they aren't effective. That's not to say that sol and chosen are doing amazing jobs (no comment on this point from me, by the way), but there'll always be haters. At the same time, some form of "online assassination" would be muchly appreciated ^^
And male only.
+1, women are the inferior species when it comes to voting
Keep the Gods-function, remove the Administrator-function completely and make the Moderators-function temporary.
vote 4 Rhand as God
ohh how u gonna get nuked :DDD
Website was down :DDDDDDDDDDDDD
And white only.
and no votes for ppls from communist country
And for retards.

Ups, you're excluded, h3h3.
ops your right

Quotegetting it off my chest
Posted by beggin on 03/09/2009 GMT Forums » Cheaters
2003 - A mate of mine told me about this game called Enemy Territory which he discovered on a gaming tv show. At the time, I was only 13 so it was my first PC game. At first, I didn't like it at all but as I played it more and more I started to love it, and eventually became addicted to it. I was quite bad, I really didn't know anything about the game and would end up on some random pubs everyday trying to fit in. After a couple of months, I came across this server called "Karoo Enemy Territory." I liked it a lot because it was really simple - there were no stupid medpacks flying out of the place, no extreme strafe jumping and was located in the UK according to the all seeing eye, so I didn't have any lag. Still, I didn't know much about Enemy Territory or the servers work, but I decided to make it my "home" server if you like. I would play regularly. Eventually I realised the server I was playing on was in fact a "cheat server". I didn't notice anything suspicious, mainly because I was so bad at the game and I thought PunkBuster itself was some kind of cheat. I got talking to this guy on the server after so many people accused him one day. He redirected me to this site called, which was quite big at the time. I downloaded my first hack, called icehook or something, and loaded it up. At the time, I didn't see anything wrong with it. I wasn't really serious about the gaming. To me, it was like entering a cheat code in an SP game. I didn't care, I didn't even know "competitive gaming" actually existed. To me it was perfectly normal.

2004 - I continued playing on these cheat servers and in 2004 I moved to another cheat server called 45thid. It was a bit extreme from etmain, but it was really fun mainly because the server was for cheaters only and was quite competitive. I got even more addicted to Enemy Territory and cheating. I got a few mates from school to join and it was great. Eventually, most of them moved on to other games, mainly on consoles. But there was something about Enemy Territory that made want to play it everyday and think about it from the minute I woke up.

2005 - redirected me to this site called netcoders. This is where I discovered the whole idea of private hacks. I would play against some guys on cheat servers who I didn't stand a chance against. I wanted to become better and compete with them, so I decided to buy a private hack from netcoders, etbot, and continued playing.

2006/2007 - The whole "fusengate scandal" happened. At the time, I still wasn't quite sure what competitive gaming was. I'd never heard of before, it was all new to me and wasn't quite sure what was going on. Anyway, a lot of the netcoders guys wanted to get back at crossfire, so some of the players tried to get into competitive gaming. I tried my first 3on3 as some guys were looking for a player in the netcoders shoutbox. I didn't know what the hell I was doing, I was just running around shooting. It seemed quite awful to me, and I hated the whole idea of competitive gaming in ET. Eventually, netcoders started encouraging and advertising to competitive players, and suddenly a whole load of new platers started joining and buying hacks for competitive purposes. In mid 2007, I decided to give it another shot. I met this other guy in the netcoders shoutbox who was looking for a player for his team "". A few days later I started my first 6on6, and enjoyed it quite a bit. I started playing quite actively with them (what I thought was active back then, 1 war a day) and eventually the leader signed us up to a clanbase ladder or some sort, not quite sure what it was as I was all new to this. We played 1 or 2 officials, but then team started epic failing and we would only play 3on3s from irc. It wasn't long after before I was first busted by bulld0g. I remember reading the forum thread on crossfire and laughing it off. I still wasn't serious about playing competitively and had no intentions to play on a serious level. I quit for a little while and just started pubbing on cheat servers now and then. I joined again competitively for a bit and played with high5 now and then. This is when I first registered on crossfire under the name m1ss. However it wasn't long before I was busted by a cvar. High5 died, so I started pubbing, again.

2008 - I came across another netcoders customer, known as bugg3r, aka raskL. I got on vent and would play regular mixes with him and some other guys such as sux0r, woody, hype, sens1 etc during the summer holidays. At the time raskl was playing clean but was quite friendly with pansemuckl so stayed around and helped on the netcoders forums. I registered on crossfire again under the name stmps, which is the nick I played with but was eventually banned from an Ip match.

Mid 2008 - I started to get annoyed with cheating. In fact, I hated it and couldn't stand it any longer, so I got rid of my netcoders account. I hated any cheaters, but I wasn't the kind of guy to accuse everyone in wars. I wanted to play ET competitively, regularly and clean. My mum decided to switch our ISP not long after (she got some free international calls or something with the package ^^) so I thought great, now I can play clean with my history behind me with no worries. In late 2008, I registered on crossfire under the name beggin, but wasn't able to play actively as I planed with starting college and such, but I became quite involved in the crossfire community and enjoyed my time. I would check this site regularly, post comments and got really involved with the community. I would play now and then on cybergames too, nothing too serious.

2009 - With college ending soon, I wanted to start playing gaming on a serious competitive level. With ET just about dead, I was looking for a new game. I started reading up on the new Wolfenstein and began following its progress regularly. I eventually came across this site called (now .com) from one of bo's comments. I joined the site and started making a few Wolfenstein pages my homepage, and was usually first for Wolfenstein news. I posted all of it on, and was approached by Krollspell who asked if I was interested in contributing further - I agreed. Shortly after I started posting all of my news posts on too. I was really looking forward to Wolfenstein as it was a game where I could start again and get really involved with it from day 1. The release got closer, and more and more news was pouring in. I was then approached by TosspoT who also asked me to contribute further. At the time, I wasn't quite sure what to say, knowing my history and being a crossfire admin just didn't feel right. But I decided to accept his offer too anyway, and contributed quite a bit to news and so on.

I know most people won't give a shit, but I just wanted to get it all of my chest. I'm posting this because now because I can't stand the guilt knowing my history. I wish I could contribute further and get involved, but I just got off to a bad start with gaming. I will probably be banned shortly after this. Hopefully I can get involved later on if my ban isn't permanent, I don't know. It was fun being around, good luck all.

Sorry for letting you guys down especially those from wolfenstein-zone, Tosspot and the rest of the crossfire staff.

Modelka ftw!
What I don't get is why there are so many gods/administrators who hardly even visit this site or don't even bother contributing to it (except for the occasional 50 warning points given to someone who breaks the oh so almighty language rule)
Celebrity / honorary function for the likes of foonr / raza minus the trappings ^^

Though the inactive good guys aren't a problem; Arachon, foonr, raza, redeye, ana, adacore, cash, helgoat - they never did nobody no harm.
don't you like Rafiki?
how about adding a membergroup called honorary? it would clean the admin-list to the active ones.
nellie is the saviour of crossfire!

image: nelliepwned
he was promoting wolf like a blind sheep! and belive me he did not do so cus he liked the game or something nobel like that
have to see the vote result first to comment on it.... but ofc the candidates shouldn't be any jokers (feis, alexL etc :D)
And atheist only.
what about agonostics?
agnostics are just scared atheist who are fickle. they're like the majority of women.
crossfire democtratic? lol, could also close it right away :P

I'm waiting for Toss' call btw, np4me.

but honestly I also think we need less admins, just keep the better ones around :/
sol is everything we need
Elections? rofl, are you kidding me? CF is not a democracy and it's funny, though ridiculous, you'd even think or assume it should be. It's a privately owned website.
FEiS for president
Elections.. That means current admin crew isn't capable of choosing by their own? Seems like no main goals defined at alll.

For me, crossfire should include several people able to give a decent coverage and someone who could clear cheating scums around. Just look at the news section and try to answer on question: How many news has current crew actually provided?
The admins aren't dedicated new-posters; that's not how the site has ever worked.
That's why it fails. With current layout, etc. average user expects something to read.
Hmm, I don't particularly see XF failing for news. The main debate recently has been in regards to over moderation of journal content; news/coverage hasn't been a part of the discussion. If news dips on XF, it's because there is little going on in the gaming scene that makes users want to contribute news. Just look at the news posting activity increase when Wolfenstein was due/was released.

I guess that's the difference between XF now and what it used to be. Users realized news on the site was contributed by anyone. Now however, I fear many people think this is simply a bog-standard news website.
Elections for new admins are stupid, better make a vote/poll on certain admins that misbehave. If a certain percentage is in favor of it, revoke their admin rights.
I vote for myself. I got the experience.
just remove chosen and it's ok

image: anarchy
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