CF Elections #2

I wrote my first journal thinking that 5 mins later i would be banned, so i kept it short and flamed Tosspot.To my suprise im not banned, OMGWTF! Maybe he found the ignore function :DDDDDDDDD

But what i REALY want iz some sort of election be it moderator / admin or a new function, someone who is there 4 the members BAN judge or something i dont know, It doesnt have to be a total overthrow of CF moderating system.
Elections are fun, they generate massive content, flame, whine ect. I dont feel like writing more pros, if you dont get why elections are fun YOU SUCK!!!!

Oh on i side note, it would also be great if when you get banned, the ban starts a hour or 2 after you where banned. You know so that you atleast can make one more whine journal about your ban and get FLAMED

OMG WTF i just found this on the internet. i forgot how z hide shit works
image: Ronner+dildo
Klapp Klapp!!! :DDD
This will never happen.
This sounds like a damn crazy idea but I'd vote for that - after all elections from time to time could be fun (and this is what this community should be about) and it couldn't get worse than it is now.

Killerboy for president
a new FEISS
didnt you quit? real life to hard?
my ballz in your face! my ballz in your face! my ballz in your face! my ballz in your face!
aaaaaaaaaaaa must stay friendly to CB admin do not flame
omg can't you just stfu. A guy who call's himself klapp who flames about some stupid admin shit on a some random site on a Friday night is just too fucking lame for me at this time of the week.
my ballz in your face
"Klapp on 04/09/09, 22:16:43 PM | Reply

my ballz in your face"

You sure about you're not lying about your age on crossfire?
my ballz in your face! my ballz in your face! my ballz in your face! my ballz in your face!
my ballz in your face! my ballz in your face! my ballz in your face! my ballz in your face!
pravi si seljak
i dont now wat your talking about, but i will contact Chosen as sooon as posible to give you some warning points
Netherlands dual for new cf admin
something in your head appears to be broken
The longer I look at that pic, the uglier he gets.
what is this thing in his mouth? looks weird
plekter 4 president! oh wait :D
wouldn't mind seeing an admin that actually just ban's all the accounts of busted players etc but not with elections since that will be bullshit :D
still fine for me as long as the candidates aren't any jokers
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