wolfenstein problems

as you probably already noticed im having problems with wolfenstein: every time the server changes map my wolf goes back to desktop and loads back to menu, but when im in the menu i cant do anything but press ESCAPE to go back to the main thing where i select my profile :X the config im using is in my profile, anyone knows what the problem could be?
turn off your wh
been there done that
I have an advice

Stop wasting you time with wolfenstein, delete it, burn it, do something aiganst it or wait till there is a wolfenstein journal filter!!
tbh i kinda like the game :)
oh sorry,

Commit suiccide is the only option then
think u should with such a sense of humor
true, but atleast I still got my taste of games

something we cant say for evryone here
oh shit, i didnt realize that was important
y i till u e-life > real life
tetsuO change config?
the cfg pwns! so not an option :>
as you probably already noticed im having problems with wolfenstein

Problem found.
Go to: C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\My Documents\id Software\ and rename folder called WolfMP to something like WolfMP-backup, run the game and see if that helps.
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