shine = true pgm

21:03:43 -!- mode/ [+b *!*[email protected]] by Anti-Cheat
21:03:44 -!- Sup3r was kicked from by Anti-Cheat [Global Banned. Reason: :)]
21:03:45 <@`elHer0_> bb sup3r
21:04:09 < douillee> shine is the man.
21:04:12 < douillee> or not.
21:04:37 <@`elHer0_> gtfo
21:04:44 < douillee> KIDDO :D :D /D
21:06:05 -!- douillee was kicked from by Q [Banned.]

didn't do anything else.
what a fag :DDDD
ohhh shin :) <3
The question is, should I beat him up in the toilets next time he goes to a LAN ????????
il te reste encore 5 copains pour chercher la war np
j'ai trouvé juste avant de me faire kick :)
Quote(23:54:37) (Kennie`) zZz`Lazio
(23:54:44) (zZz`Lazio) i got banned from :(
(23:54:48) (zZz`Lazio) for no obvious reason
(23:54:50) (zZz`Lazio) could u check in on it ?
(23:54:56) (zZz`Lazio) (23:10:13) —› kick: you were kicked out of ( by (Q) (Banned.)
(23:55:20) (Kennie`) probably shine who banned you
(23:55:25) (Kennie`) if you won a war against him
(23:55:41) (zZz`Lazio) i'm not sure might be
(23:55:50) (zZz`Lazio) could i get unbanned then, since this doesnt seem like a good enough reason ?
(23:56:03) (Kennie`) cant :/
(23:56:07) (Kennie`) he's friends with the owner
pff.. again

EuroGL should host their services in another channel, not in a channel where some random lowbie has +n and abuses his power because he cant handle his emotions :/
you was being an ass obviously, by CB rules they are allowed to ban you for it.
good not joke buddy like borat =)
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