infinite AION

QuoteThe most complete Aion Private server. Constant development and work towards 100% retail. Awesome community that is always increasing.

Would any1 be so kind to help me out ?
Iam using university-inet and when i try to login on their forums iam gettin a error pop up:

"Cant visit this site while using a proxy"

So could any1 of you ADSL fagz gief me the direct downloadlink to the game client ?
(can be found in this topic:


image: site_aion:-tower-of-eternity-ss-68
whats this private shit, open beta is tomorrow?:p
it is? okay so i can wait :)
You need a key. So it's not that open.
keys were dealt out all around, i had 6 :/
I had 3, but seeing his reply I assume he does not have one.
Use a proxy.
so its what free aion?
Fail Aion, it wants to be like retail, but is far from it.
it is not free, it is a paygame just like WoW.

image: cucks
Private servers (like the one this journal is about) are free.
hmmk maybe interesting then.
Forgot to mention they're usually a hell of a lot more buggy and glitchy and laggy etc. And outdated.
but you dont have to pay every month like in WoW unlike you have to do in the non private thingy(after beta stage ofc)?
You don't have to, that's right, but the server is always depending on donations and could go down any moment if they don't receive such a thing.

I on the other hand will be playing the official Aion, I can easily afford it, seeing as I have also a financial income from a private server I host of another mmorpg. So np 4 me.
well me and some other guys from here went 1337 in ruffrose in some months and it was a private free rose server. In the begining it was a bit less updated that the real one but after a while they started adding stuff that wasnt even in the pay version and made that much better imho, think you could pay real money to get privelegies and advantages and stuff. But if you put more skill in it, it didnt matter that much realy.

what mmorpg you host? :-p
I host a Cabal Online server.
What mmorpg do you host a server on? Are we talking dedicated servers here? Just curious how much priv server owners make seeing I recently became part of the staff of a mmorpg private server too.
Cabal Online, dedicated server with monthly costs of maintaining it etc.
well there a lots of private server that runs better then the retail of the game since they can take updates way earlier from the asian version of the games etc ...

and the 15 € a month are np but i dont feel like paying for a frikkin game.
Most of the time those are not bug free though, not saying retails are.
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