back from da shitty village party [deutsch]

hell yeah, 100 people or smth like this all below 18 and not a single good looking girl, gg!

so i just wasted my money on the drinks but they were so badly mixed that i spent like 15 euro in alcohol and after i didnt notice anything, i just stoped drinking. 5 minutes later i met 2 ex-gf's of me and both started to talk to me about things i couldnt care less ... than around 1:30 they just stoped the music because they arent allowed to disturb the people living in the village, rofl i mean there were people in this tent than the village got inhabitants.

so i went to my friends home @ 2 o'clock, slept till 9, drove home with mah car and just wanted to stop for some nice Germany Brezel in the lokal bakerstore and who works there? another ex gf of me unforunatly i was the only one in the store and she could disturb me for at least 15mins ;___;

so yea, anyone up for hon?
I'd like to, but no beta key :/
I have one, do you want to trade it for something?
die hätten mich anzeigen können bei den ganzen 15 jährigen!
gibt auch gute dorffeste
image: glonner_dorffest_13
ja, im sommer waren nen paar mit 10k++ leuten aber das hier war einfach nur fail
Quotenot a single good looking girl, gg!

Quote5 minutes later i met 2 ex-gf's of me

Nice girlfriends you have!
was thinking the same:D
well i meant girls in my age which would be new possible gf's not those which were allready mine
Oh yeah sure, excuses now :D
was thinking the same:D
"not a single good looking girl"

"5 minutes later i met 2 ex-gf's of me"

:D nice story, i had to drive my brother home from a party an hit a fuckin' rabbit FFS but my car seams ok
what car do you have?
a mazda 2 not even a year old
the problem was that i was driving in an Allee, normally there is 50 or 70 km/h speedlimit but hey it was nearly 3 o'clock in the night so i was driving around 100km/h or more and only seeing trees beside me till this rabbit run from one to the other side..... i hate him for what he did!
Was @ concert, full of people. got stoned & drunk, lost myself in crowd, went home ;XD
u must be a real playboy
name of the town where the party was?
hmm even didnt know that town :D
i hoped it was the party in my city ^^
reallll G
Why didn't you fuck your gf at the same time \o/ ?
That's normal when ur the village mattrass :D
dorfparty ist doch viel geiler bzw dorfhausparty was willst du wenn da 100mio leute sind aber man sich nichtt kennenlernen kann etc is doch fürn arsch außerdem 15/16 jährige gutausehende kids sind doch der jackpot man :D die kann man leicht beeindrukcen und außerdem gehn die zimlich weit beim ersten treffen schon also nix mit lang rumlabern einmal ficken und tschüss :D
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