Very Hard

If someone solves these u get a cookie:

-What is the volume of an octahedron with edge length of 1?

-Logical reasoning and basic math required. Three men walk into a motel and ask for a room. The desk clerk says a room is $30 so each man pays $10 towards the cost. Later, the clerk realizes he made a mistake, that the room should have been $25. He calls the bell boy over and asks him to refund the other $5 to the three men. The bellboy, not wanting to mess with a lot of change dividing the $5 three ways, decides to lie about the price, refunding each man $1 and keeping the other $2 for himself. Ultimately each man paid $9 towards the room and the bellboy got $2, totaling $29. But the original charge was $30, where did the extra $1 go?
In other words (sqrt2)/3
roots are for snobs :p
No other way to answer it exactly imo, yours is just a rounded estimation ;)

Also I've got no fucking idea how you'd calculate that
out of my head... extended pythagoras
there is no extra dollar, price was 25 + 2 for bellboy = 27 = what is payed,
Trick question
give me more reasoning riddles ;) i like m
do ur homeworks on ur own
1st: The answer is 2.^5/3 = 0.471404521

2nd:This is a trick question.

The total money paid is $9 * 3 = $27.

The total money received is $25 for the room and $2 to the bellboy = $27.

There simply is no extra dollar. The $2 to the belloy is included in the $27 the three men paid. By adding it to the $27 it is being counted twice.

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