untitled .................. !

I'm kinda bored, that's why i've decided to create my own journal. So, next school-week starts tomorrow, gonna have some tests, that will check my knowledge of 'stuff' we learned previous year. Yesterday I was at my mate's 'summer house' next to the lake, we had some equipment like dj's have, you know decks, mixer and speakers, so we took our CDs and we started playing teh music. I kinda liked it, it's really fun, and i am thinking of buying stuff like that, tho i really need to think about it, because it costs around 10000 zl ~ 2300 euro or smth, and i dont wanna buy some crap.

Now lemme represent you great tune, i fell in love in this song yesterday <3

So, what are your plans for this evening ?

Cheers :)
hello world we are electro
Welcoem to the world of nerds
hello electro, we are crossfire
Hey sLothh<3
heyyyyyy, what's up ?
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