lost my littel finger

lost my finger 13.10.08

image: chca7y78

go for 3/5 day afk from corss

go to Hospital :(
how :3 ?
nice using my picture =(
rly, did you? what happend?
I'd guess the doctors have fixed it to look kinda normal atm
Would be kinda disaster for me, because I enjoy playing the piano etc :x
there are some awesome foot-piano artists out there ! never too late to learn
uhhhh... nasty
you have fingers on your foot? :-S
Haha, indeed wtf :DD
haha, sorry, here in Poland we have one word for both fingers and toes :p
That's an interesting random fact to know! :)
yeah, it didn't even appear to me that it might be strange and make that much of a difference to others :))
I think they are quite obviously two different things and should be named different as well. How does it work in the polish mafia when someone commands to cut someone else's fingers off? Do you say the fingers on your hand or the fingers on your feet instead of just fingers?
You just know from the context. Who would cut you a toe? :p There are loads of other examples in different languages, for example 'you' in english is for both singular and plural (du/wir) and after some time you just get used to it and don't notice the difference, even though those are totallly different things in most of the languages.
fingers on your hands, toes on your feets. :-]
I know I know, it's just that I tend to think in polish and then write in english ;)
Well my ego reputorates in latin.
i know a ETplayer who has 6 or 4 fingers(don't remember exactly) :D
6 fingers would own!
If you mean me, I rly have normal amount of fingers x)
nah, not you
Germany!!!RUS!!!, he has made a webcam translation of a party at his appartment, shown his hand and i was like wtf :D
da ja sam ohuel, poprosi u nego photo i mne pokazhi, pizdec vashe :D
pro photshop skills :DD
haha, friend of mine lost a finger while working also
and this picture is from a guy who had it for his whole life imo
atleast its on the right hand ;) its not like you need it for gaming
Haha Fail....
was haha :P
hallo das ist doch eh ein fakebild!
Du horst nero fehlt der Finger wirklich hat er in einen Industrie drucker bekommen...

Aber wenn drauf steht nicht in die laufene machine greifen und man tut es sieht es so aus...

p.s nero ist mein Zwillings Bruder also, müßte ich es wissen...

mfg Kekz
nein ist es nicht ganz sicher nicht

das ist meine Hand
warum fässt du da rein und stellst es in so ein forum? du horst? ...geileres Gefühl beim wichsen?
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