Windows 7 + Ventrilo

ok so I dont know if it's a problem with ventrilo, et or windows 7 but I cant get my microphone to work when i'm ingame. It works perfectly when i'm out of game n stuff n everyone can hear me :P but helpz!!

edit: have tried mutliple solutions without resolve using ventrilo setup


ok well i fixed it, disabled XP compatability, but now I might not be able to play cuz PB messes up when i dont have XP compatability x(
try to tick "use direct sound"
e: 3.0 Bozar - HOW NICE!
for my input?
dunno, both
when I run ET in windowed mode I still cant speak until I alt+tab to ventrilo and then people can hear me x(

image: naamloossf
Its working for me with these settings.
ok well i fixed it, disabled XP compatability, but now I might not be able to play cuz PB messes up when i dont have XP compatability x(
try it without PTT
is windows 7 better as xp?? cuz im hearing good stories abotu it
still having probs with et on win7. but random pb kicks.....cant sort it somehow :(

and yes win7 really is better than xp or vista!!
+1 I only get kicked for Windows API if for some reason I vid_restart and it goes wrong or........ I just windows out of ET
ye saw u on nexus yesterday, some dude said u will be kicked...2 sec later >I got kicked... we will work it out
No i got kicked for new guid, cuz i only just switched to win7
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