need skilled&Experienced rifle/fops

Hi guys , #d&b is renewed by me and we are continueing after some stuff that happened anywayz we got everything we need , just searching for a good med/+ skilled fops/rifle =)

#d&b // #intolerance > pm fuego for info about the clan thanks :) comment if ur interested only , have a good night
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I'm sorry fuego, but you are nowhere near med+
yae that s what I asked for , my skill
you morons have never something usefull to say right? nolifers 24/7 at cf saying bullshit on every journal&threads , get a life
it is most common for clanless people to play with their own skill.

and your topic should be in the forums, Sir.
d&b without Scatman? no way!
anyway gl guys :)
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