My Skydiving Video :)

My first time skydiving. Though since then I've done 60 solo jumps.

skip to 3:08 for good part ;)
nice :)

that's surely kinda expensive hobby, isn't it?
lol if you do the whole video camera guy and tandem jump were your strapped to him. thats expensive. But doing solo jumps everytime only cost 10$ each for me.
your forgetting about the lessons you had?
Getting the lessons is very easy. It actually saves you money to get skydiving license then going with tandem skydiving strapped up all the time. That first just I did cost 120$ alone to be strapped to him. Cost another $100 for guy with video to jump out. Which is why I don't have a vid yet of me solojumping :D
yes its easy, but lessons cost alot here in belgium..
in total it would be about 1000 euro+ before you can jump alone whenever you want..
oh ok. Yea I'm not sure what the regulations are there. You got good point ;)
lal looks naiz :>
ya. you will love it for sure.
great :)
very nice ;)
^sabayon///: my journal hasn't got flamed yet xD

image: flame

Here you go my friend!:D
wtf your pic failed!:D

edit: Nice edit taking away the img link! FU FU FU
I took image away before u replied n00bmonster.

your slow internet failZ
#care you stole your pc from nasa :X I can only steal from the slow belgian govornment! I'm doomed to lose:X

image: b47wy8
^sabayon///: i win xD

actually I edited the video. They used shitty country music on the original version. :< its in USA
good taste in muzik ^_^
nice video :-).
I would love to do that sometime myself
awesome ^^
music +
content +
editing was a -
need some popups
quality was kinda good

overall 8/10
Yea... The company that made the video was in some little farm country area were I first went. They won't get to see the rating you gave them lol. They probably don't know what Sony Vegas or Adobe After Effects is :D:D :D . As I only edited music. ;) Thanks for + :D
nice video
A question, are you part of Sabayon Linux?
I remember one of the devs posting stuff like this :P
Nice to see another Sabayon Linux lover here :D
indeed, its a great distro
I have been creating some artwork for it, some for branch 4 and now branch 5 ;)
Anyway, you never answered my question, lol
lol I was actually editing post cuz I forgot to add lol. I'm a member at their forums but not developer ;)
looks insane, id wish to do one
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