
K guys, was gone for 4 weeks, now im back. What did happen during my absence?

Is wolfenstein really the big fail or does the promod change something which makes the gme kind of popular?
Any other interesting infos?

image: racisti
nice pic:p
nice pic:p
It's running on ID Tech engine 4. And what ETQW 1.0 was working with. Its a fail no matter what mod is added. Unless the original developers make changes like were added in 1.5.

image: msbnk5
are there many guys playing it or is it like etqw?
Its similar to how etqw started. With a lot of empty servers. Maybe it will get better with new patch releases + the wolfpro looks good. It's just the flaws of engine that needs to be fixed. By the time they get any major fixes. call of duty modern warfare 2 will be released and comp for wolf2 will be dead.
it's even less popular than qw atm
yea. the 12 player maps killed it too. It has yet to reach top minutes played on xfire too lol.
around 80 players online at night/morning...
we can put youtubevids on cf !

[video] id [/video]
own3d vids too!
not possible at comments

only the threadcreator can do it in the title
i played against a "yellowpowerranger" in et and asked if he was you but he wasn't!
fucking namestealers nowadays ^^

You are french now?
yup since i got back from holidays ;D
cant speak more than 3-5 words though. bonjour, je m'apelle alhrique!
shitty pic:p
can u gimme her mobile number? I saw this pic and now im in love
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