Who's switching?

Apart from the new Dignitas team of course, how many of the top clans/players are switching to the new Wolfenstein?

It was mainly out of curiosity really, as there hasn't been much said about any new teams forming or whatever.

The only big teams I've heard of;
  • Dignitas
  • one4one
  • YYT

Anyone know of any other teams/players?

[EDIT] To be honest, it would just be nice to hear who's actually playing the game and for what team, it doesn't matter what skill you are!
ETNiES Multigaming
u just wrote down all the teams that play wolf XD
what about "nobody" ?
i think it's to early for big teams to pick up a wolf team cause nobody know exactly if the game will have success.
It doesn't necessarily need to be big teams. Really, I should have just asked "Who's actually playing the game competitively and for what team?".
bluh overrated by their known name tbh

rule of thumb : new game , new top teams.

e: avi for wolf team , pref to know you (if not it's ok too) , still need to buy the game though xD
why switch and not play both?
true dat.

Imo ET will become something like CS 1.6 is now over time...
je exactly

the only difference would be no LAN support with 50,000Euros to win...
dignitas, 141, HP, helix, STAR and sublime are the top teams right now (from EU)
sublime xD?

lowest from the top basically
HP > us ?
interesting meight :D

it's like:

dignitas ...........141, hx / star.......hp / it ........................................... rest
erm, those are in no particular order :)

ur better than HP hehe :)
there r some other teams which can beat HP and sublime for sure
rolf nice joke
HP? Happy Penguin ? who are they ?
check my profile. We also played btw against hsk that you know =)
oh sorry, I didn't know it was you =)
i play for kuolleet pelit on parhaita [k-pop]

we are low skill
wA! will be back for wolf think its the old old team if neos was telling me the truth:P
Ah that would be cool. I don't know if that includes Arcadia but he was always a nice guy that I talked too every now and then!

I think I also saw n1ce vegeta on a server the other day but whether that actually means there's a new n1ce Wolf team, who knows!
I don't think there will be a n1ce team...even tho mama is playing it alot. (I'm spying the private channel).
muse guys are waiting for the game but I don't see them building a team :)

e: I heard Hummel is raging this whole game
Ah hummel, such a legend for all the wrong reasons. :D

Meh I'm finding it hard to tell if it's a good game or not. There are some nice aspects that would have worked well in ET but I don't think my computer is good enough to allow me to make a fair judgement on the game. When I get into a heavy fire-fight, my FPS can drop as low as 10-15, which does make the game feel a bit slow. :(
I can't really talk either about the game because I only played the beta and the beta+1.1 patch in localmode, the fact there is no antilag makes it impossible to play online for me. I'll buy the retail if the muse guys are pleased with the game, but from what I've seen, It would be rather surprising.
one4one did'nt switch? they have a squad in both ET and Wolf
yea whats your point?
you're asking if they switched and i told 'yes they did'

one4one Lineup:
* HippY
* Jeebs
* Mosphe
* Stary
* Vexx

i wonder who of them "switched" from ET
i ignored the 'switch' part soz :D

was just saying that 141 has also a wolf team thats all
Vexx usedto play ET
yes they switched from ETQW.
putting ETQW next to ET is blasphemy
he didnt ask from which game they switched.
But i agree ET was much better when the community was also good :)
Yea, I should have meant the new wolf team, rather than the ET team switching across.
skill does not exist in wolf ... put muzzle in the direction of the enemy ... press mouse 1 .... close eyes ..... pray .... profit

-> topplayers does not exist -> topclans does not exist

just some bunch of turds hiding behind wnb known clannames
YYT, playing ET aswell though :-)
Hardcore homies!
aint YoYo playing both ET and wolf?
#TTD.et-clan as soon as we got sponsorship and some one buys game for us!
need wolf clan pm me
I cant see wolf coming to life
I don't know anyone that would play it
Few of us ET really old lot are playing in a team currently called Fractal

Me, pulse, slash, solomon, kendle, diss, lynx, dazza all used to play ET/RTCW etc.

and another guy called Tigzz who played ET QW.
Oh my lord, Bradley? (Or was it Barry, I could never remember)

I know all of the team except dazza (daze?) and Tigzz. Hope it goes well!
Aye, tis bradley. Dazza was in sSs when he played ET Shgitty Shgitty Shwas. Daze is a completely differant guy.
Ah ok, that makes sense now. I vaguely remember most of the sSs team, good times!
Uh huh, very good times! If you got irc come hang out with us at #fractal man
Might do at some point when I have some free time, slash needs someone to teach him how to play Wolf afterall!
He does, hes a giant newb.
tigzz also played ET. But be carefull he has more td than dg.
hsk, except there are like 2 former members from the rtcw squad and #crapaud.et (tres bonne équipe ... sur le papier)
and you got my team hyperion.
We can be nice match for most top teams if we have good day. But not able to beat them yet in the cups. Dignitas is on the top ofc. Helix stars and on4eone are pretty close to eachother imo. Sublime i only played once in the start and where also good.
There are a lot of other good a nice teams and loads of teams are forming or just started. Too many to notice. A team to watch is the italians with mama etc.

4 from hyperion ex ET/RTCW players.
And we had nice team and great ET players in the past when hyperion was active in ET.
Mostly active in 2004-2005-2006.

The funny part is tho, that all good wolfenstein teams have quake wars stars. Except sublime. The team with most ETQW stars is on4eone/dignitas.
The fact that mostly ETQW players are in "top" teams is just because there are barely any ET players trying the game for more than a few minutes. :-P
What do you make of Wolf then? What features/aspects do you like and dislike?
My comment on the "Wolfenstein: Way to go" column:

Quote urtier on 02/09/09, 00:47:43

I think the lack of heavy weapons and other weapons than the MP40 or the MP43 is actually making this game quite boring to play and watch.

I've never been a huge fan of massive spam and weapons that don't require too much skill, but in Wolf you simply have nades and SMG. That's it. Where's the variety for tactics, different tactical setups? The maps are so small, every team is already playing the same tactic pretty much and I actually don't see much space to improve the tactics or change them.
The only way to get through a defense is some well placed nade or just rush in and mow down the opponent.
The problem about this again is that aiming in Wolf is basically not needed or is just totally random. You just point randomly into the direction of your target and move around. Hits will almost come automatically as the hitreg is so incredibly random and laggy. It's so easy to take down opponents (or get taken out ofc) that it's almost impossible to differ a good aimer from a shit aimer.
Hope you can see a little atleast where I'm going here: 65% of the game is basically shooting, rest might be tactics and interact a little with your team. But the biggest part (the shooting) is simply shit, which makes the whole game, well, not too good atm.

I really can't see how this game can motivate ppl to play it so often. It's always the same, really always. You play it once, you've seen all. I really hope WolfPro could provide atleast a little bit more variety to it, yet I don't know how.

You might say CS is only about shooting and nading as well. That's basically correct. But atleast in CS you got 1000 of tactics and different setups to use with different reactions from the opponent.

I think this sums it up pretty much. There are also surely features I like, but in the current state of the game the negative aspects overwhelm the positives. (Atleast for me)
It's only a matter of time before theres more decent competition, the game has barely been out for 2 weeks. Give it another month and the picture will be clearer.
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