Morning journal!!

ahhh good morning it's 3:09 am here in cro. it's still kinda dark and creepy but it'll get brighter in a couple of hours. anyways now I have to wake up my bro and we're off to see my cousin in Zagreb(yeah I'm driving my renault megane 120HP). only problem is I can't get any coffee cause everything is closed atm god damn it. well to keep it short have a nice day everyone and hf @ school, love severus and his bro.

image: MeanGirls1
going to sleep soon, just wanked and now im listening to some music :)
i see the peaches-sell-off finally is good for something :D
HF mate
pa ti si lud stvarno
nice, good luck : ))
cant you make coffee @ home?!? :D anyway good luck to you and your trip!
120hp only? That sucks :P
hf severus
im still waiting for ur journals u know ...
nah gave up on doin them i guess..
the end has come :(

bb everyone :(
hf professor
all the babys mamas, mamas, mamas mamas, maybe mamas mamas
yea :p
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