Really Late Wolf Journal

so i had some inet probs, and couldnt really follow anything here.
so i did buy the new wolf game, i was just wondering what the reaction about the game was over here. did lots of ppl switch to it, is it any active, did it kill ET, etc
ET > Wolf :) Imo!
Well I dunno , but I read that alot of ppl bought it .

For max performance and the best "game feel" you should dload wolfpro mod .

I'm still too lazy to buy it :p
=O name of this anime :D ? plox
spice & wolf
everybody loves this game and all et comunity is now playing wolf
etqw 2, SP 9/10
sp was rly good yeah :]
not much news about it tbh! no one wants to try it i guess
most people gonna stick to ET atm because the wolfenstein gameplay is way worse than the etgameplay. Some people hope for something like a goooood promod which save the game .

lets hope
all my hope is gone already i ll stick to HoN ;D
It's being played, few of the bigger teams/organisations are playing it, it's not a huge succes though. A few mods here and there are being worked on I believe.
qw was more active and better game on it's release

hope it says enough about wolf

and thanks for buying game and supporting developers <3
wolf is the new WoW
Most people don´t like it at all because it is not ET.

I have liked it, easy way to spend few hours with it every now and then, especially with singleplayer. Just setting up the Open Cup clan, we´ll see how the comptetition playing goes.
it's nice, sp was great success as well
i hope hes lying. i thought the graphics were awfull and it was really buggy.
she, no graphics werent awfull, i just had 1 bug trough the game i believe
he/she is lying.. cause it sucks as hell.
sap ku&#269;maman
sap bajkfikser
well I heard that it was just a piece of crap, nothing else.. didn't give it a try tough.
nvm, matter of taste - It was fun for me, nice graphics and they put so much love into details, also the veil power is a nice idea for sp. -> ofc there were some bugs (didn't notice many), but they didn't take away the fun factor.
hm okay, then I might even try it.
sp was awesome
atm both sucks

ET has too much shit player and cheaters
wolf doesnt have a "good" mod

no games are worth at the moment apparently
dont whine about cheaters mister :)
oh yes i do :)
your not allowed too!
so ur both a shit player and a cheater ?
i dont play since long time now
even etqw had better support right from start, just to mention the linux server files, promotion and all that, STILL the game failed. and since pretty much everyone in the et community dislikes wolfenstein mp since the beta leak, i dont have any hopes left for it.

the guys which continue playing it are just playing it because its "WOLFENSTEIN", the long awaited game rtcw2, even if they dont like it, they play it. or at least some are. dont even know anyone who just loves the game.
thanks for buying the game and supporting activision in releasing crappy games
sp was awesome
compared with what? Doom1?
rumors say people only play wolf´s SP while they wait for respawn in ET :)
true, I didn't like the SP eventhough many ppl seem kinda comfortable with it.
It wasn't total disaster like the MP but it was kinda boring for me
i herd it sux, lets paly et later todai!
i bought it since the release, i allready played that game for bout 30 mins :/
every day someone posts "hi guys how was wolf?" do people not know about the search function? :'(

+ hi wiim
cf search function sucks

hi jag oli
Baldurs Gate 2 > Wolf
ET dies, wolf sucks, ETQW was our chance, 5on5 infantry in that game was way more fun than any other option beside ET

in my eyes is wolf a good chance for ET-players to get used to the gameplay of CoD...with the new CoD wolf wont have any chance to survive!
this is it !
yes, ETQW was more ET like than wolf. But the haters only looked at the stroggs and the vehicles. Instead of the potential the game had.
ET killed wolf
Such a hateful alien he is :[
even aliens can talk the truth !
I was talking about ET.

ah now I got the joke :D n1
sp = ok-ish
mp = shit-ish
preordered that bullshit - was even a bigger mistake than buying a 16 year old car for more than 400 euros.
ET is my last game i will play. if it dies some day i dont play anything.

its actually first and last to me
mp is kinda shit but it already improved with wolfpro
just need 1000 other fix to make it an "okay" game
3 servers, 60 players

Aww damn, last time I checked ET was still alive... And that was yesterday. :<

Will be a tough job for Killerboy to announce this to all clans that signed up for OC.
bang irl > learn new game

i play ET bcoz its a routine to me and i like it. not bechose i have to play something....
Haha :)
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