Decent laptop for school?!

So since im actually going to school this year :o, i need a laptop for it.
Its mainly going to be used for this like: editing photo's and videos. Webbuilding/design.

Also it should be able to run a decent game for when the teachers are just TO boring(quakelive battlefield heroes cod2/et, games u play for fun on LAN:D)

Budget: If I sell my normal pc(can sell for ~850 euro's) budget is around 1000 if I dont sell it budget is ~650-700.

Thanks for people who help me out. Rest can suck my balls
for 1000 you can get a nice laptop these days
and i think for 650 too :p

just search the net?
i did but there is like SO much i dunno what is like a best buy from the whole shitload :D
just get a random one you see in the folders from Mediamarkt, dixons or its or smth
buy dell and search for a 10% off voucher nP
if u rly want a laptop for 1000€ try one of the msi notebooks. but i think if u spend about 600-700€ for it u will also get a decent one.
use the same as mine, great specs and cheap too.. used 1.5 years no crashing or whatsoever
Acer aspire 7730g
games run nicely
ET stable 125 fps ( im not having any pb lag !? )
PB lags are myth.
well laptop for such things is quite easy to find

get some good cpu and ram (if possible ddr3) and a decent graphic card

imo: if you have vista with it, uninstall and put win7 or xp

brands i suggest acer, dell or HP
got asus g50v, <3 it
I got a MSI laptop, this one:

I bought it a couple of months ago for 415€ :D
It came with no os, probably that's why the price was so low. I installed Win7 on it :))

And it works like a charm, I play ET @ 125FPS steady and the new Wolfenstein at +-60 FPS (sometimes 125FPS indoors)
Which is good for a not so expensive laptop
If anyone knows a good ~12/13" with good specs and good battery life, please tell me the model! 8)
need one too!!
Sony vaio
Sony Vaio VGN-CR41S
Vaio or MSI are superb for those things.

All go the whole hog and join me, with a Macbook ~D
Acer or HP laptops, not that expensive and usually the best quality ones.
only problem with HP laptops (at least, the ones I've had) get really warm if you're using it too its overheating.

so I suppose..acer's solid
were your HP laptops laggy? I have one right now and it takes excessively long to load simple applications (even after I reformatted... it was in fact quite slow already on the first day I used it). Maybe it's just the fact that I bought the cheapest one available though... :P
Yes it is, laggy and freezes at random moments, programs quit responding, all that shit..did that like the first day I had it..still wonder why I bought this piece of junk....
macbook or sony vaio
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