motherfucking problem

Well seems like my harddisk is trying to be funny.

It "Timeout's" it says like a click sound and my pc gets slow everytime, Like the harddisk is fucking or smt wierd

Do anyone know if it's able to fix this without buying a new one?

thx and soz if there's engrish text.
first fix..
Don't work?! just buy new :)
Backup your stuff as long as the hdd is still running.
Clickclacks inside the hdd are never a good sign... wont take long until it totally fucks up, so better already get a new one.
gurdy gurdy gurdy gurdy gurdy gurdy gurdy
1. check cables.
2. replace the HDD reader apparatus.
you can not manually repair HDDs. so be lucky it doesnt just die but use the time to backup your stuff.

ofc u have to make sure its the hardware and not a virus or sum.
I thought you had probs with your mother getting fucked, disappointed :(
i just ate a banana
as there is no reply from him, the hdd clickityclacked the last time. :D
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