Mobile phone Journal [uk only!]

My phones like 8 months old or sth

Is there somewhere i can get it insured from damage/theft/loss etc?

Ive googled many sites but your phone must be less then 6 months old :S:S


thx in advance

Not so random pic:

image: Armani_phone_1_big
call your insurance company




srry, I dont know :)
how can you even consider buying a phone with "Giorgio Armani" on it
i dont get it =$
Alright why didnt you buy the same phone for less money without a brandtag ?
duh its an armani phone aka must have!

dont tell me your one those omg hardcore nerds i shop at lidl because the milk is not branded and from poland because its the same thing but cheaper!
armani didi nothing else than printing the brandtag on the handy hurr.

And no iam not , i like brands but not overscaled tags to impress other ppl on the street ... like faggots wearing shit like that:

image: beaaykaqthud

Quotearmani phone aka must have!

explain why.
well im just into that kinda stuff i guess
cause he can!?
The phone should be insured by its normal warrenty. Atleast for any damage not caused by yourself.

And so far I've not heard of any form of insurance for a phone getting stolen, broken by yourself or simply losing it.

I'm not sure if I found the correct phone, but if it actually "only" costs around 300€ I'm pretty sure the insurance costs won't be worth it.
Exactly, 12 months manufactures warranty, I got mine changed a few weeks ago, I told them it was over heating and draining the battery so they sent me out a new phone + a new battery, I had to send the old one back but that wasnt a problem :)
baz long time no see ;p

everytime i go on mad no 1s on :(

yh but i want a new phone ;d!
insurance normally costs around £5 a month for most phones or more depending on what type of cover. this normally includes theft, damage and even loss or fraudulent calls

the problem is you can only get insured if your phone is less then 6 months old

so if i can get insured from somewhere yeah it will be worth it ;p
most people get there insurance together with the phone, never heard of anybody that insured his phone months after he bought it. And guess no insurance company will insure your phone, since it's already 8 months old and (in their eyes) probably broken already (why else would you like to ensure it 8 months after you buy it).

And most phones have a 24 months manufactures warranty (atleast SE - Nokia - Samsung - LG, dunno bout the others), but that warrenty doesn't cover on liquid and physical damage.
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