New Brink Screenshots Escape to the Internet

image: 011
image: 012
image: 013
image: 014

[ 05:44:58 ] [ @adman ] "The only problem here is that Splash Damage has never made a decent game. Their first game was so terrible that Activision gave it away for free."
[ 05:45:03 ] [ @adman ] hahah, well it's nice to finally know
[ 05:45:25 ] [ sponge ] activison is a charity
[ 05:45:32 ] [ @adman ] (wise words from Evil Avatar himself at
[ 05:46:34 ] [ @RR2DO2 ] O_o
Only screenshots looks nice in every game
nope :p wolf screenshot made people whine
the S.M.A.R.T. movement just rocks :D

Bodybuilders shooting eachother

superhero bodybuilders.. the hardest kind
Regardless of anything else, the artists and graphics programmers have done a great job.
looks fucking shit
Somehow reminds me of Mirror's Edge. Dunno why. Maybe because of colors? envirnment?
well wouldnt it be nice to use some nice tricks like in mirrors edge and then shoot each other? :XDDD
I would like it tbh... > wolf
They indeed do look similar to ME images, but I already liked the graphics of ME so np for me.

PS: cheers for those:)
hah I thought of exactly the same thing man!
Ok, now gameplay ?
Ok, no way that is ingame screenshots, that is concept art or rendered images.
its ingame !

some cel shading
how can you tell it's in game? seems to me that its concept art.
sD said its ingame if i remember correctly (the old screens)
You can see the environment and characters are all low-poly, hence for realtime rendering. When I saw the first screenshots a few months ago I thought it was some nice concept art until I looked more carefully too.
o well so this game is so fucking awesome
I made a topic about it when the last bunch of screenshots was released. They "have been made in-engine and no post processing is done to them after they were saved to disk (bar resizing/colour space adjustments for print obviously)."

It does not look that great ingame, but it still looks good. You can compare it with the difference in quality between the really good ETQW screenshots and the quality when playing.
i saw spiderman on last screen :D
just a reminder:

not everything that shine is gold!
mhh i hope this game rocks atleast the screens do :D
don't like the look of it at all!
Looks promising
have they released any gameplay footage yet? seems to be a lot of hype so early in the game's development, unless graphics > gameplay nowadays.
nothing released yet but from the live demonstration given at quakecon it looked like it could be good!
no q3 engine no win
too much pistols
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