New Brink Screenshots Escape to the Internet
11 Sep 2009, 17:12
[ 05:44:58 ] [ @adman ] "The only problem here is that Splash Damage has never made a decent game. Their first game was so terrible that Activision gave it away for free."
[ 05:45:03 ] [ @adman ] hahah, well it's nice to finally know
[ 05:45:25 ] [ sponge ] activison is a charity
[ 05:45:32 ] [ @adman ] (wise words from Evil Avatar himself at
[ 05:46:34 ] [ @RR2DO2 ] O_o
Bodybuilders shooting eachother
PS: cheers for those:)
some cel shading
It does not look that great ingame, but it still looks good. You can compare it with the difference in quality between the really good ETQW screenshots and the quality when playing.
not everything that shine is gold!